Effect: LePou Plugins - LeCto / Pc / Free

music making software

LePou Plugins launches LeCto, a FREE guitar amp simulator effect for Windows.

"LeCto is a guitar amp simulator inspired by an american modern high gain head. This simulator has 2 channels with 3 modes on each channel. It can go from crunch (raw mode) to modern high gain (modern mode). "

Features :
  • -oversampling : determines the signal oversampling; up to 8x
  • -mono/stereo : determines the signal routing
  • -input : controls the magnitude of the input signal
  • -drive : controls the amount of gain
  • -low : controls the low frequency
  • -mid : controls the mid frequency
  • -high : controls the high frequency
  • -presence : presence control
  • -resonance* : controls the amount of resonance resulting from the interaction with the speaker cabinet