Pseudograins is a bizarre little sample mangler. In a sense it is a pseudo granulator with a built in hex based step sequencer. It's for dorks like me, who enjoy seeing what happens when you experiment!
- New sync mode for sub loop. Locked resets loop when main loop steps, or 'free' runs freely.
- Hermite interpolation added.
- Added Attack/Release Offset params - can be used to shift start level for an envelope.
- Fixed calculation error in ADSHRs.
- Output #2 outputs current envelope value (connect it to something like S(M)exoscope.
- Modulator component added (can modulate pitch and volume with custom %'s for each step).
- Percentage based and sample based ADSHRs.
- Fixed crash when loading wav during playback.
- Rest notes in HexSequencer (use: '-').
- 32 steps now possible in HexSequencer (0-9,A-V).
- Trigger Main Loop slices via MIDI.
- Parameter lists reconfigured more conveniently for hosts that improperly display "hidden" params.
- Fixed bug restoring params from saved state.
- Improved button response .
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