The basis of the plug-in is a transform model of a famous vintage fuzz pedal. There are four controls:
Fuzz knob: This controls, as you might imagine, exactly how much fuzz is applied to the signal.
Tone knob: This controls the brightness of the distorted signal.
Output knob: This is the output volume of the device, when it is active.
Bypass button: This works just like the switch on a stomp box. When the blue light is lit, you're money. When it's not, the input is passed directly to the output. This can be automated for a slightly different vibe than automating the effect bypass of your host.
OSX: Unzip and place FuzzPlus2.VST in library/audio/plugins/VST
Windows: Unzip and place FuzzPlus2.dll in your VST plugins folder
* New GUI.
* Tone control added.
* Several bug fixes for the Windows VST version.
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