Zynewave is the developer of Podium, a professional music production software solution for Windows PCs.
Podium offers a unique hierarchic mixing engine that integrates audio recording, VST plugins and external MIDI and audio gear. Configuration of plugins and external hardware are encapsulated in an object based project structure, which hides the technical complexities when you want to focus on musical inspiration.
Advanced features includes 64-bit mixing, multiprocessor support, surround sound, integrated sound editor, preset librarian and spline curve automation of plugin, MIDI and mixer parameters. The number of supported devices, plugins, tracks, channels and mixer busses are practically unlimited. All this is presented in a stylish and customizable user interface.
Development concentrates on quality and stability. Software updates are released frequently and are planned with the involvement of the user community.
* Extended the 'getting started' tutorial in the Podium guide.
* Revised and completed popup help for all buttons in the editors.
* When using the 'render bounce track' command, a messagebox will pop up if there are no audio events on the bounce tracks.
* The state of the 'note attack', 'note release' and 'show only selected' buttons in the piano roll velocity region is stored in the setup file.
* A troubleshooting message is shown when opening a blank editor page. This is typically caused by a corrupt Podium.ini setup file.
* After using the 'merge' edit menu, the resulting merged event is selected.
The Podium demo has been updated to this version and can be accessed on the download page.
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