FuzzPlus2.2 is the current version of our popular free Fuzz+ plug-in. The basis of the plug-in is a transform model of a famous vintage fuzz pedal. There are four controls:
Fuzz knob: This controls, as you might imagine, exactly how much fuzz is applied to the signal.
Tone knob: This controls the brightness of the distorted signal.
Output knob: This is the output volume of the device, when it is active.
Bypass button: This works just like the switch on a stomp box. When the orange light is lit, you're money. When it's not, the input is passed directly to the output. This can be automated for a slightly different vibe than automating the effect bypass of your host.
FuzzPlus2.2 is available as a VST effect for Windows, and an AU or VST for OSX. The OSX versions are Universal Binaries, and require OSX 10.3.9 or later for PPC Macs or 10.4.4u or later for Intel Macs.
OSX VST: Unzip and place FuzzPlus2.VST in library/audio/plugins/VST
OSX AU: Unzip and place FuzzPlus2.component in library/audio/plugins/Components
Windows: Unzip and place FuzzPlus2.dll in your VST plugins folder
* Now available as an AudioUnit effect, in addition to VST OSX and VST Windows.
* Both the AudioUnit and VST versions are available as Universal Binaries.
* Minor bug fixes in the OSX VST version.
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