forte is a live performance workstation for virtual instruments, offering more control and convenience than a traditional rack of hardware sound modules. forte is optimized for the stage, with low latency audio, vast MIDI routing capabilities, and unique live performance features.
Low Latency Multiple Instrument Hosting
Play up to 32 virtual instruments live with mixing and routing to multiple audio outputs
Intuitive User Interface
If you’ve seen a rack of hardware sound modules, forte will look familiar to you
Performance Automation
Reconfigure virtual instruments and MIDI routing instantly with remote controlled “Scenes”
forte MIDI Configuration
Advanced MIDI Routing and Filtering
* Flexible MIDI routing and filtering. Map any MIDI channel to one or more other channels, with each 'map' containing unique filtering and CC routing settings.
* MIDI control of audio effect plugins
* MIDI Clock tempo synchronization
Audio Effects
Add audio effects to audio inputs, instruments or audio buss outputs. MIDI control of effect parameters
Audio Thru
Using the brainspawn Audio Input plugin, process live audio input through audio effects with very low latency
forte MIDI Configuration Screen Shot
click for details
Virtual Set List
Configurable SceneView displays the set of upcoming Songs/Scenes in large font, multiple line Scene descriptions for storing notes per-Scene, and can display a custom background picture per-Scene, allowing elaborate 'cheat' sheets to be displayed per-Scene.
Performance Features
auto-start on boot up, auto-recovery, remote control, SceneView and other features eliminate the need to use the keyboard and mouse during performance.
* This release corrects some issues where plugins do not react correctly to scene changes. In order to correct this problem for plugins in existing rack files, you must update each scene in the rack before resaving the file.
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