What is BRASS?
BRASS is a new kind of virtual instrument: a software recreation of the trumpet, saxophone, and trombone. This software allows you to play instruments like a professional performer would do: same control, flexibility, and expressiveness (without the years of training it takes to do so). It gives you instant and constant creation. Brass is so dynamic and easy-to-use that you will never go back to flat sampled riff libraries ever again.
What Can I do in BRASS?
With three instruments at your disposal, you can pick one and start playing. You will instantly feel like you're playing a real instrument, not a set of recorded samples layered and static. BRASS also contains an extensive performance-based riff library which is entirely configurable and expandable. Organized by styles, these riffs are a great way to get started if you are not used to programming a horn. They can even be triggered during live performances.
Choose, create, import and modify riffs to match your needs or play the modeled instruments directly in LIVE mode with a keyboard and other real-time controls; in both cases BRASS will revolutionize the way you create music. Below we have listed just a few of the other features you will find in BRASS.
* Spacialization:
Recording parameters, or let's say the ambiance of the room in which the instruments are played , are certainly an important factor of how a saxophone solo or trumpet section will sound in the end. In BRASS, place the instruments where ever you want in a room for effect. Place them far away and have a sound that echoes in the distance, or set the instruments in the front of the room for an in your face result.
* Parameters:
The parameters offered in BRASS are a range of attributes that can be adjusted so that you can specify your sound to the smallest detail: Attack, Pressure, Pitch, Timbre, Noise, Vibrato, Vibrato Frequency, Mute.
Whether you want to set a parameter to a praticular level without changing it, program automation to a parameter, control it by the velocity of your keyboard, or assign it to a real-time controller, you will find the possibilities offered by this interaction with the instrument extremely easy and impressive. Just like a human performer who has studied horns for years, you will be able to express yourself and add emotion to your music.
Click here to read a bit more about each parameter.
* Instrument Configuration:
Fluctuate the playing style of your instrument and really bring the piece to life with Humanization settings ("Beginner", "Human", or "Computer"). Change the material of your instrument if you want to go for a creative type of sound. Play with a variety of different mutes on the trombone and trumpet, or you can even change reeds on you saxophone. In BRASS, you are the creator of your instrument.
* How do you play the instruments?
You can use BRASS as a virtual instrument and program your sound track in your favorite sequencer. Since all the main formats are supported, you will not have to worry about compatibility.
You can attach a MIDI keyboard for those who are more at ease playing the music directly. Real time controls such as foot pedals, breath controllers, and other physical interfaces will give your arrangement that extra punch.
BRASS is based on a new kind of physical modeling technology. All of the characteristics of the real instruments have been analyzed and modeled through extensive research at IRCAM, a world-renowned institute based in Paris. Arturia has partnered with IRCAM to bring this groundbreaking technology to your studio; you will never worry about sacrificing sound quality.
* Virtual instrument playable through a MIDI keyboard
* Three instruments available : Trumpet, Saxophone, Trombone
* 8 parameters to control the instruments in real time :
o Attack
o Pressure
o Pitch (for legatos, falls or expressivity)
o Timbre of the instruments
o Noise amount in the instrument sound
o Vibrato
o Position of the instrument toward the microphone
o Mute (for trumpet and trombone)
* Total midi control of each parameter through powerful settings, control sense and hardness
* Independent automatization of each parameter via a dedicated control window
* Configuration of the instruments : 4 attack and 4 vibrato types, material, humanization
* More than 500 riff presets in all music styles
* Easy and fast searching of riffs with the preset explorer
* Up to 4 simultaneous instruments in a riff
* Editable length, tempo and tune of each riff
* Riff editing with the zoomable pianoroll and independent parameter editing
* Powerful editing options : solo, mute, 8 drawing tools
* Import and export riff presets from and to midifiles
* Live playing of several riffs with the keyboard
* Chorus mode for all instruments, up to 4 instruments unison section
* Spatialization of the instruments in a configurable room
BRASS can be used as a Stand-alone software or as a plug-in within your sequencer program.
Platform specifications:
Windows: Windows 98 SE/2000/XP
Mac OS X: MAC OS X 10.2 or higher
Required Minimum Configuration:
PC/ Windows: 256 MB RAM; 1.5 GHz CPU
MAC OS X: 256 MB RAM; 1.5 GHz CPU
This version mainly corrects 4 bugs:
* In the PC installer, when choosing "SSE" choice it was installing "SSE2" version instead, which is not compatible with Athlon and P3 processors. The users on Athlon were getting a "could not find the DLL" error message. They then had to install the generic version instead which is not as optimized as the other one. In the 1.1 version, the installer has been changed so that "SSE" choice is a real SSE choice. Then users who have an Athlon processor can install it and benefit from the optimizations, too.
* There is an annoying problem in version 1.0. When reloading a project in a sequencer using a saxophone of BRASS, the saxophone was not correctly initialized and its sound was bad. Moreover, BRASS could become unstable because of this problem. This issue has been corrected in 1.1 version.
* On PC, when Brass 1.0 is installed in Protools, ProTools does not close correctly. Then it is not possible to restart it. This problem has been also corrected in 1.1 version.
* Brass did not open in Singer Song Writer 8.0 VS (a Japanese sequencer).
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