Geniesoft - Overture v4.0.2 (Pc)

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Let's Take a Quick Look at What You Can Do.

Full VST Integration...

Open the VST Instruments rack and load any VST instrument or effect. You can easily add controller and key switches using the pre-define libraries for most of the popular sample libraries.

Intuitive Score Editing like No Others...

Overture allows you to edit your score in an intuitive manner, unlike other programs, so there is no need to hunt through levels of dialogs or search the manual, just to make a simple change. Most commands can be done with one simple command directly on the score.

Edit MIDI Directly on the Score

Now that your VST Instruments have been loaded and your score has been entered, its time to do the final tweaking to get that great sound. Switch to MIDI data mode and your MIDI data is displayed above each track ready to be edited. Easily draw in or erase existing data right before your eyes with the score underneath.

Finally create a CD...

Now that you have high quality sound scores, you can save them as a wave file to be burned onto a CD or sent to a friend.

Overture 4 has so many new features that they can't all be shown in detail, so here is a complete list.



Articulation Playback
Articulations can affect attack times, durations, velocities, and send controller data. These are user definable and saved with the score. Breath mark and Grand Pause pause score playback.

VST Host
Overture 4 is now a full VST host. Load up to 256 instruments and 4 VST effects. VST Instruments are supported in Windows XP and 2000.


Glissando Playback
Select a glissando and then choose diatonic, chromatic, or white keys to be used during playback.


Chord and Guitar Frame Playback
Select a chord and then choose the starting offset times, durations and velocities to be used during playback.


Symbol Playback
Any symbol from the graphics palette can affect playback.


Voice Playback
Select any note and set its playback to another voice using parameters in Tracks Window, maintains its original voice.


Expressions now can send bank changes and send tempos throughout a range.


Solo and Mute
Right mouse click to solo or mute the track directly on the score.


Scrub Tool
Click the scrub tool and drag over horizontally over measure to play the notes.


Humanize Function
Presents a dialog where you can randomize start times, ending times, velocities, and tempos within the selected area.


Tempo Offset
Adjust the tempo during playback from 10% to 200%.


Non-Metered Playback
Overture plays all the notes in measure even if it is 4.5 beats, and therefore you can have unlimited number of notes. This is useful for Cadenzas or music without barlines.


MIDI Clock
Overture now sends MIDI Start, MIDI Stop, MIDI Continue, and MIDI clock.


Measure Repeats
Single and double bar repeats playback.

Score Editing


Edit MIDI Data directly on Score Window (Miniature Graphic Window)
Enter MIDI data mode and the notes appear as a piano roll in the measures. Note start times durations and velocities can be dragged. Above each measure is a small MIDI data area where controller data, pitch bend, tempos, etc can be entered, changed, or erased. You can choose the Type of data to be edited as well as the density when entering the data. Extremely powerful for those using notation with GPO and want complete control over the MIDI data directly on the score.


Redo Pitches Function
Select a note and enable this in the Notes menu. Any notes played on the MIDI keyboard will replace the selected note and next note will be selected. The existing rhythms are kept.


Smarter Mouse Entry
Mouse entry automatically recognizes polyphonic rhythms and adjusts stems and voices to accommodate. Rests are automatically entered. The layout adjusts to accommodate notes based on allotment tables. In other words, measures wrap down to the next system to avoid crowded notes. This can be turn off by the user.


Chord Recognition
Click on a note using chord tool and all notes of the chord (including bass clef on piano tracks) are used to enter the chord found in library.


Add Interval Function
Select notes and choose this in the Edit menu to add a 2nd though a 9th above or below selected notes.


Reassign Controllers
Any controller can be reassigned to another controller.


User can set transcriber to add staccato and tenuto articulations automatically when recording and importing MIDI files.


Selection Filters
Select a range and then filter out any symbols. This powerful note filter allows you to choose pitch, duration, velocity range, note head type and articulation. Also you can choose the starting point in a measure and the interval. For example: You could filter all quarter notes on the second and fourth beats that have a velocity above 90. You could then click on the accent symbol in the articulation palette to add an accent to the selected notes.


Through a dialog you can find notes using pitch, duration, velocity range, note head type and articulation as parameters. You can also find MIDI data such as controllers, pitch bend, and program changes, and also playback symbols such as tempos, hairpins, dynamics, and expressions.


Quick Paste (Key stroke to be determined later)
Select a passage and Alt-Shift (Option-Shift on Mac)-click to paste it into the score. Repeat this as many times as necessary.


Choose Notes>Flip>Articulations command to move articulations to the opposite side of stem. Clicking on an articulation in the palette applies it to any selected notes.


Capo Setting
Guitar Frames can be changed using a capo command. The original chord name can be displayed above the new name or the new chord name can be displayed below the frame with the original above the frame.


Pedal Bracket
The pedal bracket can now be used as a regular horizontal bracket by deleting the middle point and flipping it.


Split System
Splitting a system starts a new system at current measure. Overture will try to keep this measure as a start of a new system whenever laying out a page.


Implode and explode (Not implemented at this time)
The implode command condenses selected staves onto a single staff. This is useful for creating piano reductions. The dialog box lets you specify where to place the imploded music.
The explode command expands the selected passage into separate single-line melodies on separate staves. This is useful in creating a four-part harmony from a piano part.


Improvise (Not implemented at this time)
This allows you to record without a metronome and add the beats later. After recording a track you record another track that contains beats only. The remaining tracks are adjusted to the beats.


Hand and Zoom tools on Tool bar
Separate tools for dragging page and for zooming in or out. The hand tool will drag individual staves when clicked on. When clicking on white space the entire page is moved. These are easily selected by typing ‘h’ or ‘z’.


Show/Hide Palettes
One keystroke to show or hide all open palettes.


Booklet Printing (Incomplete)
Pages are printed side by side in landscape mode to produce booklets.


Swing Marking
The tempo dialog has a setting to show swing. Two Eighths = Beamed Quarter/Eighths triplet.

Score Layout


Symbol Color
You can now change the color of symbols in the score - notes, lyrics, text, hairpins, dynamics, etc. This is particularly useful for emphasizing important score information especially in educational music. The symbols print in color, too.


Colors Themes
User can set your own color themes.


Show Grid
The score background becomes a sheet of graph paper to help in aligning symbols.


Title Items
Title items can be place on every page, not just the first.


View Options
The View popup menu now has a Fit Page to Screen Width or Height.



Auto Save
Set the interval to automatically save your score into a backup folder.


Read MusicXML Files (Just basics at this time)
Open a MusicXML file created from Finale, Sibelius, or scanning programs.


Record to File
Overture 4 allows the output of VST instruments to be saved as a WAVE/AIFF file.

General Improvements


Backspace Key Deletes
Press the backspace (delete key on MAC) to delete the symbol before cursor.


When selected notes are Notated as a trill, any ending grace notes are automatically converted to grace notes. Generated trills have a duration for each trilled note and they can can be accelerated.


Guitar Frames
Guitar Frames now have more suffixes, can transpose and have fingering below strings.


The Notes to Tablature command automatically creates a tablature track if needed.


Graphics Palette
The Graphics palette contains a wedge symbol that is filled or transparent. Adding thickness to curves produces a tapered slur.


Articulations and Heads Palette
Click on articulation/head tools to apply these to selected notes.


Dynamics now have a movable baseline on each staff that is used when being entered. Dynamics between keyboard staves can affect both staves.


Hairpins now have seven control points instead of four and have a graph to draw in the control points.


Lyrics are typed directly in score. There are commands to copy to and from clipboard, and shift the lyric line left or right. Also there is a command to automatically display verse numbers to the left of the first lyric on any system.


Multi Measure Rests
Multi Measure Rests now have a Fill % of bar and the range numbers are drawn at same location as bar numbers.


Default Page
New scores now contain more staves shows more of the score on screen. The default staff size is a bit smaller.


Page Dimensions Dialog
The Page Dimensions dialog was rewritten to show the new layout of the score as score staff sizes are reduced. This is much improved.


Import Dialog
Importing MIDI files now has options for putting tracks in Score Order and for using the JazzFont as default MusicFont. The automatic pacing of staves has been improved.


New Score Dialog
The New Score dialog has an option for using the JazzFont as default MusicFont.
