Tablet 2 MIDI is a standalone windows application that allow you to use your graphics tablet / tablet PC / digitizer as a set of MIDI controllers. You can add a virtually unlimited number of controllers, by defining areas of the tablet surface as buttons, sliders or XY-pads
You define controllers either with the mouse or with the tablet pen.
Using the pen you can digitize any hand drawn controller layout, in other words: add midi output to a piece of paper.
If you prefer drawing with the mouse, you can use a simple right click menu to quickly add a controller
Controllers can be moved, resized and copied. Finally the whole layout can be printed
By having a paper copy of the layout directly on the tablet surface you can move controllers simply by pointing on the tablet and moving the pen. This means you can avoid Looking at the screen - just like when using any hardware midi-controller.
In addidion you get pressure, tilt and rotation (if the tablet supports it) that can be mapped to any MIDI Continous Controller. Most tablet pens can be reversed and the reversed pen can be mapped to an entirely different set of parameters.
The classis example of usage is to play a theramin VSTi: you can control both pitch, amplitude and filter simultaniously. Textures / drones and pads are handy to control with XY pads too. I've had great luck controlling string based pads using the tablet as a virtual "bow"
If you like to experiment, you'll appreciate the Free form controllers - these are defined by hand-drawing two lines of any shape. Proximity to the first line creates low values, the other creates high values. Freeform controllers can be circular, curved, triangular, you name it!
Tablet 2 Midi works even when the application is not in focus. Double click the title bar to "roll up" the application, and still have it generate midi. In other words: tablet2midi works exactly like any other hardware midi controller and leaves your mouse cursor for other tasks.
System requirements
Tablet2Midi is Windows only (98 and up).
It will work with any tablet / digitizer that comes with a wintab driver. This includes Wacom / Aiptek / Thrust / Adesso / Medion tablets, as well as Penabled tablet PC's, and most other tablets out there that are less than 10 years old. If you are looking for a USB tablet to use with tablet2midi then consider:
* It's handy if it has a plastic cover so you can easily stick a piece of paper on the tablet surface for reference.
* Only the Wacom Intuos tablets support the advanced features like tilt / angle / rotation / two pens at once
* Size matters - you can fit more controls on a bigger surface.
* Resolution is not that important, as it is pretty high on all tablets.
* To be sure of compatibility, ask for a "wintab driver".
Tablet 2 Midi is now available as a public beta. The purpose of this public beta is to ensure stability and compatibility on as many systems as possible, and to give you, the users a change to influence development
The final version will be available before christmas at a price below 40 euro (50 american dollars).
The beta has one limitation: You can only reload two controllers from a saved setup. This makes it a fully functional utility for up to two midi controllers pr. tablet.
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