Mobius is a program for the real-time creation and manipulation of audio loops. It has functionality based on the venerable Echoplex Digital Pro with Loop IV software. It is not a complete emulation, but it does implement many of the Loop IV features, as well as a number of useful new features. Mobius is essentially 8 synchronized stereo EDP's with the ability to copy loops and timing between them. Extensive MIDI and computer keyboard control is available. Audio content may be saved to and loaded from files.
Mobius is free, though I do request that you report any problems you encounter and offer suggestions for new features you think would be useful. It is a Windows program developed under XP and may be run standalone or as a VST plugin. It will run on 2000 and NT, but will not run on 95 or 98. While everyone is welcome to try it, for best results you should already be familiar with looping in general, and with the EDP in particular. I am unable to provide comprehensive documentation at this time, but if you are familiar with the EDP you should be able to find your way around.
Bugs Fixed
* Crash deleting the plugin in many hosts when MIDI devices are selected.
* Loop switch functions can now operate as mode ending events for Multiply and Insert mode.
New Parameters
* Overdub Transfer: A preset parameter that controls how overdub mode is carried forward when switching loops. If set to Off overdub mode is always off after switchign loops. If set to Follow the overdub mode in the current loop is carried forward to the next. If set to Remember the overdub mode of a loop is remembered when leaving the loop, and restored when returning to it.
* Modes Ignoring Secondary Feedback: A global parameter that lets you select loop modes during which the Secondary Feedback control will not be active. This is an advanced parameter that is used when the Interface Mode parameter is set to Expert or Stutter. Normally all recording modes are subject to Secondary Feedback when using these interface modes.
New Display Components
* Loop Number: A large number that may be displayed in the track strip to make it easier to identify loops from a distance. The number also functions as the focus lock indiciator, you can click on it to activate or deactivate focus lock, and it will change color when focus lock is active. This is easier to see than the small focus lock button.
* Loop Radar: An alternative to the horizontal "thermometer" that displays the current playback position in the loop using a graphic that resembles a pie chart or radar screen. This makes it easier to determine the position in the loop from a distance.
New Script Variables
* globalMute: Set to "true" if we are in global mute mode, and the current track will be restored to play mode when the global mute is canceled.
* solo: Set to "true" if this track is currently being soloed.
* nextLoop: Set to the number of the next loop if we are currently in a quantized loop switch.
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