Tone2 FilterBank2 is the ultimative effect plugin and replaces a rack full of hardware. It is an unique sounding, creative tool which gives you unlimited possibileties to modify and create sound. Get in touch with it and forget time and space!
54 high-end filters, 12 oversampled distortiones, 20 surround delays, 11 BPM syncronized LFOs, 136 presets, aliasfree FM, AM, reverb, compressor, vocal filtering, equalizing, phaser, flanger, feedback, step sequencer...
FilterBank2 is power!
Tone2 FilterBank2 is more than an filter plugin - it is one of the most powerful effect units which have ever been built. It allows you not only to process incoming audio signals - you can create complete sequences and textures with it!
The LFOs are so fast that you can hear them! This offers you to opportunity to use Filterbank2 for sound gerenation. It's easy to rebuild a 909 basedrum with a 303 line, because you got a built-in step sequencer.
Play it live!
All parametres can be tweaked in realtime. If you are using a mouse, the plugin smoothes your movements automatically - there won't be clicks or glitches. If you want to use Midi a simple right-click on a knob activates the Midi learn function and it is automatically assigned to you controller.
FilterBank2 is never out-of-beat. It automatically syncronizes Delay times, LFOs and the step sequencer to your BPM rate.
FilterBank2 is fun!
FilterBank2 is very user friendy. A display visualizes in realtime what you are doing. This makes it easy to understand what you are currently tweaking. The excellent user interface offers tooltips and help.
Save money:
You don't need to buy VA synthesizer, filter, delay, reverb, chorus, flanger, phaser, transgate and distortion plugins separately. FilterBank2 will replace it nearly all.
* FilterBank comes now also as VSTi. The package contains two files:
o FilterBank synth is a fully functional, multi-timbral VST synthesizer.
o FilterBank FX is the effect unit which can be loaded as send or insert effect.
* Sound has improved a lot. It sounds smoother, warmer and more analogish now. High frequency LFOs routed to the input have been replaced with real oscillators.
* CPU usage has been reduced.
* A limiter has been added to the output.
* All presets have been reworked and sorted. The self-oscillations have been moved to "Filterbank synth".
* Serial number box did not work.
* Plugin crashed in Wavelab, Ableton and other hosts which did not update BPM rate regularly.
* Problems with MIDI-learn on some hosts have been fixed.
* FilterBank step sequencer stops now when the host "stops".
* Envelopes and LFOs in the VSTi version are triggered by note events.
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