Outsim - SynthMaker v0.9.5t (Pc)

This release fixes a number of important bugs in exported VSTs. In particular, saving and loading presets and plugin state in a host is now significantly faster. The problem of cycling through presets when saving or loading has also been eliminated.

Exported VSTs were not being recognised in some hosts and were crashing others. These issues have now been resolved..

What Is SynthMaker?
SynthMaker is a graphical programming environment for creating VST instruments and effects plug-ins.

You can also use SynthMaker to learn about and experiment with digital signal processing so it's a great educational tool as well.

Additions and fixes:

– Parameter names are now restricted to 24 characters as this was causing hanging in EnergyXT
– Fixed long delay with some plugins on opening in Ableton Live
– Fixed a problem that was resulting in no sound with some plugins in FL Studio 6
– The preset parameter list was not being constructed correctly (was using automation params only)
– New 'Host is Playing' output on the VST Timing Info component allows you to respond to host transport changes
– Vastly improved fxp/b saving and loading in hosts - plugins were visibly cycling through presets
– New automation recording input to preset components allows you to determine when automation info is sent to host
– Preset parameters were not being ordered correctly in exported VSTs resulting in controls being seemingly paired together
– Exported plugins were crashing immediately in some hosts
– Exported plugins were not being recognised in hosts like Audition and Sound Forge
– Sample rate was not being set correctly when used in some hosts, Wave Lab in particular
– All note off handling was not working with voice management causing held notes when play stops in Ableton Live
– Popup menus stacking options instead of just scrolling
– Wireless links were being blocked by a comparable Module Wireless Out
– The Int Array component had a String Array output
– New column options for GUI Drop List component, default now uses extra columns instead of vertical scroll buttons
– Fixed a crash when syncing send to back in a front panel
– Updated knobs and sliders etc. to supply the preset automation recording information when interacting
– Updated selectors to have rounding protection
