Analogue subtractive synthesis.
16 voices / 384 patches.
3 VCOscillators each with 11 waves: sine, parsine, triangle,
triasine, saw, saw mg, ramp, ramp mg, pulse, white and
pink noise.
Pulse length control for every VCO.
Phase control for VCOs 2 and 3.
3 Fm routes for VCOs: 3>2, 3>1, 2>1.
2 Sync routes for VCOs: 1>2, 2>3.
Key retriger option for VCOs.
Ring effect with 3 routes: VCOs 1*2, 1*3, 2*3.
1 VCFilter with 6 types: LP 36, 24 and 12 db, HP, BP,
and BR 12 db.
Velocity and aftertouch for VCF frequency.
VCF input hard clip and drive controls.
VCF output soft distortion (saturation) control.
VCF Fm with 6 sources: VCOs 1, 2, 3, 1+2, Ring, Mix.
3 adsr Envelope Generators: EG1 for VCAmplitude and via
Matrix, with velocity to amount and attack control. EG2 for
VCF freq and via Matrix, with 4 slope curves, inverse option
and velocity to amount control. EG3 for 32 dedicated
destinations and via Matrix, with 4 slope curves, inverse
option and velocity to amount control.
3 Low Frequency Oscillators, each with 7 waves: sine,
triangle, saw, ramp, square, white and pink noise,
full syncable to host tempo, retriger, s/h and wheel to
amount options, plus delay control for LFO1 and phase
control for LFOs 2 and 3, plus 42 dedicated destinations
and via Matrix for LFO1, 42 dedicated destinations and via
Matrix for LFO2 and 51 dedicated destinations and via
Matrix for LFO3.
Matrix modulation with 5 slots: 1) with 21 sources and 32
destinations, 2) with 21 sources and 32 destinations, 3) with
19 sources and 42 destinations, 4) with 17 sources and
46 destinations, 5) with 15 sources and 51 destinations.
Sequencer / gate unit with 16 steps, 2 modes, full syncable
to host tempo, key retriger option, step number selector,
16 notes selectors(4 octaves range), 16 on/off gates,
out to pitch option and to VCF freq control, gate to EG1
and to EG2,3 options with gate length control.
Stereo Delay, each channel is full syncable to host tempo
and with time, feedback and mix controls.
Reverb unit with damp, width, size and mix controls.
Equalizer 2 band: low and high +/- 6 db.
Output 6 db high pass filter.
Play mode selector: mono, mono with: last, high, low note
priority, legato and poly mode.
Portamento control, midi channel, transpose and pitch bend
range selectors.
Changes in version 1.2
Added VCF input hard clip and drive controls
Added VCF output soft distortion (saturation) control
Added an output 6 db high pass filter
Increased the resonance range
Increased the portamento time to 20 seconds
A new bank with 128 patches is available
Some changes on the GUI
Note: In the new patches Bank3, applied the new features
of the version 1.2 . Banks 1 and 2 are the same as in the version 1.1 .
System requirements
CPU 1 Ghz (higher is recommended)
128 MB Ram
Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
VSTi 2.0 Host compatible
* The nrg-A costs 30 € until 30 June 2006. After, will cost 39 €
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