Wusikstation is one of the most popular Sampler/Rompler out there. Since it started, if got more and more features asked by users, a new interface, easier way to load presets and much more. Its been rated by users the number one choice when creating songs. It can cover pretty much any style of music. From NewAge to SoundTracks, from Dance to Techno. Thanks to the big selection of extra SoundSets provided by 3rd party companies, you will never get bored with it. Add this to our new Monthly Wusik Sound Magazine, and you will have an one-for-all solution. Try the Demo version today, before anything else. Check the user reviews. The list of specs. The comparison charts. Check the menu on the left for more information. Join the Wusik revolution today!
Basic Specs:
HQ 32 Bits Sampler (allows Multi-Sampled files).
Loads DASHsnd, WusikSND and WAV files directly. (without conversions)
Comes with WAV to WusikSND converter FREE. Allows you to create your own Multi-Sampled WusikSND files. Using several WAV files by Key Zone or Velocity Zone.
User Skinable, comes with several skin options.
Assembly code with SSE instructions. The fastest engine on the market. [ CPU Usage Chart ]
2 x Oversampled resonant filters with Smooth option.
Wavesequencers and LFOs synced to host tempo.
Midi Learn option to almost every parameter, with Min/Max option.
Stereo FX Sends with 2 extra outputs. So you don't loose the "PAN" information and can also turn-off the internal FXs and use your own ones on the extra output ports.
MicroTuning support via Scala .TUN files - Includes a Library of over 2800 files.
MouseWheel and Keyboard support for all hosts. Copy and Paste of Layers.
New Effects and Features for V3.x.x
* Requires a compatible VST Host. IBM-PC (Windows) only.
SSE optimized code, requires compatible processor.
Such as AMD XP and some newer Durons. Or any Intel PIII/P4 and above.
Try the LITE Demo to be sure it will run in your machine.
3.0.0 June 16
* Insert effects per Layer. Besides the current FX1 and FX2, you will have 6 new options. iO1, iO2, iO3, iO4, iW1, iW2.
* File Search (works for all files) F3 Shortcut
The search is done on the selected directory and all sub-dirs inside.
If you select a Root directory, it will search everywhere. (inside the DATA\*** folder)
* Preset Favorites - Saves/Loads user presets
* Preset Word Search. This will search for the entered word inside preset-files.
EG: You want to find all presets that are named Piano, but also uses samples named Piano.
Or you want to find files with Arabic tunning, just type ARABIC.
* Extra Envelope options: Exponential (x1 and x2), Inverted Exponential (x1, x2 and x4) or Linear Mode. (right-click on AmpEnv/ModEnvs)
* Amp Envelopes can be LINKED now. (right-click on AmpEnv)
* Option to add new elements on the GUI for V3 skins, while still been able to load V2/V1 skins.
For those cases, it will use Right-Click menus to access new objects. (as stated above)
* New customizable Tool Tips code. (uses a TXT file for customization)
The new Effects SDK also allows to add ToolTips on Insert/Send Effects now.
* Master Unison, affects all layers. (monophonic only)
* Both the Midi-Learn and Automation codes were optimized.
* Pitch-Bend is now sent per channel using the Multi-Timbral settings found over the Configuration-Page.
* EQ default values are all centered now. Also, they will display -1 to 1, instead of 0 to 127.
* Changing Wavesequencer destination no longer erases the data.
* Layer Midi Channel now shows on the Layer section.
* New Effects:
o Stereo Bit Quantizer (Distortion)
o Stereo Double Distortion (64 bits 2x oversampled)
o 3 Tap Mono to Stereo Delay/Echo
o 3 Tap Stereo Parallel Delay/Echo
o Reverse Echo
o Ring Modulator
o Stereo Phaser
o Stereo Flanger
o 32 Band Analog Vocoder
* Note, the following features will be released for V3.1.0
(free update for V3.x.x users)
o Modular Filter Design, using a similar SDK that was used for the Effects Area.
o New Filters and Effects, to be defined yet.
o New Mod-Matrix options: Add, Multiply and Simple-Script
o Disk-Streaming
Price (USD/CAD) $ 49.95 / $ 99.95 / $ 99.95 / $ 199.95
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