From the homepage:
State-Of-The-Art Virtual Drummer
* a VSTi drummer that can jam with you like a human drummer would. Steroids for your creativity!
* analyzes MIDI input as well as audio input (with limitations) in real-time and develops rhythms and adjusts parameters instantaneously, giving you the feel of playing with a human drummer
* Limb-Priority-Control ensures that the output is at all times playable by a human drummer. You can layer rhythms and fills and accents as you wish and never have to worry about whether the result sounds realistic. No more ten-armed drummers!
* incredibly realistic drumming with just a few mouse clicks thanks to features such as velocity variance, auto-cymbals, random accents, probable notes and automatic switch rules, such as ride over hihat on high velocity, sidestick over snare on low velocity, no-ghosting on low velocity and more
High Quality Sounds
* built-in high-quality drum sample player with up to 9 velocity layers and controllable ambience
* alternate samples remove machine-gun effect by varying sound at the same velocity (Paks only)
* sophisticated layering creates realistic sound accumulations based on drum types
* route sounds to 4-17 stereo outputs (adjustable)
* extensive sound library that can be expanded via expansion Paks
Integrates With Other Sound Modules
* integrated VSTi sub-hosting allows usage of any VSTi drum synthesizer, such as BFD™ and DFHS™. Combine the sounds of your favorite drum plugin with the jam power and realism of Jamstix!
* flexible key and velocity mapping
* MIDI output as well as export to MIDI file for maximum flexibility
Full Rhythm And Arrangement Control
* built-in arranger allows easy control of rhythms,intros,fills and endings in sync with your sequencer
* easy-to-use but powerful rhythm editor allows changing rhythms. Comes with a library of hundreds of ready-to-use rhythms covering various genres
* over 60 MIDI-automation parameters allow control of various aspects of Jamstix by the host sequencer
Multiple Workflows
* "Manual Jam": create complex drum tracks by hand faster than ever before
* "Free Jam": let Jamstix come up with new rhythms with or without MIDI/audio input
* "Keyword Jam": let Jamstix choose from library rhythms based on keywords
* "Keyboard Jam": play Jamstix from a keyboard, controlling velocity, rhythm changes, accents, style changes etc.
Jamstix also offers "LiveLoops" to create reliable and structured live performances with control over song sections sequence and repetition via key or foot controller
* VSTi 2.0 compliant virtual instrument with 4 to 17 separate outputs and MIDI-to-host output
* Sub-Host for a single VSTi (compatibility to specific products is not guaranteed. Use the demo to test prior to purchase) with full recall capability
* Internal sample playback engine with 370MB of drum samples (expandable via Paks) with adjustable per-sample ambience
* Library of 300+ rhythms and 240+ accents, fills, intros and endings
* Full-featured rhythm editor
* 1000-bar arranger in sync with host sequencer to control rhythm changes, intros, fills and ending
* Flexible Input-Output MIDI mapping with velocity translation to match any VSTi key layout and character
* Metronome with voice count and stick sound
* Supported sample rates: 44.1 - 96 kHz
* Copy protection: License Key
* Windows XP or 2k
* P3 or Athlon 500MHz CPU (2GHz+ recommended)
* 512MB RAM
* 500MB free hard drive space
* VSTi 2.0 compliant host
Jamstix has been successfully tested in these hosts. However, since hosts and Jamstix can be used in myriads of ways, make sure to test drive the demo in your environment and your workflow
* Cubase SX
* Sonar
* Ableton Live
* Tracktion
* FL Studio
* Pro Tools (requires VST/RTAS 2.0 wrapper)
* Orion
* n-Track
* Chainer
* energyXT
* Forte
* Bidule
* MiniHost
* SAVIHost
Version 1.7 - 8/28/2006
* lowered CPU usage through optimized audio processing and improved voice reduction
* implemented new jam mode "Keyboard Jam"
* added 20 new rhythms as follows:
o 7 world rhythms, including cha cha, calypso, merengue and soca
o 6 rock rhythms
o 4 R&B rhythms
o 2 jazz rhythms
o 1 reggae rhythm
* automatic fills are now also available in 'Manual Jam'
* PDF manual is now fully searchable
* console gain meters are now stereo instead of mono sum
* added 'Time Sig Changes' option to OUTPUT tab. Host synch-up is accelerated if unchecked, fixing possible loop alignment issues
* improved 'Shaping' function in various ways, including suppression of clicking at high levels
* added 'Dampening' slider to the 'Ambience' control panel to simulate smaller rooms
* added options 'Create 2-Bar Pattern' and 'Create 4-Bar Pattern' to arranger rhythm name right-click menu, which allow the quick creation of multi-bar patterns
* bars that have snare or tom accents are now shown with a black center line in the arranger
* added '2x 16th' as an option for the hihat quarter column
* when editing hihat quarter and eighths columns, the velocity is now only reset to default if it is currently zero
* improved fill start time suppression options
* added option 'Simplify by suppressing 16th notes' to the fill options
* improved reggae rhythms and added 'shuffle' keyword to them
* improved hihat choking sound when choked by low velocity closed hat event
* added 'Drive/Laid-Back Timing' automation parameter which allows setting a constant earliness (drive) or lateness (laid-back) of the drums
* BFD mappings now have anti-machine gun mode enabled
* increased limb transition time for snare ghost notes to account for stick drag time
* improved hihat import logic for 8ths and added missing logic for 16ths
* mapping tab output lock state is now recalled via ini profile
* selecting 'Normal' character no longer switches off shuffling
* clicking 'Free Jam' no longer clears the current arrangement
* when using fill filter start time limits with fills that issue rhythm silencing before the start time limit, the rhythm is no longer silenced until the fill is allowed to start
* added new automation parameters to dynamically control fill options during a performance
o Fill - Start Limiter
o Fill - Rhythm Silencer
o Fill - Toms On Snare
o Fill - No 16ths
* added warning message if sounds are missing
* output grouping now also applies to percussion sounds
* added voice limiter to restrict maximum voice load to around 60 (90 on min reduction level)
* improved + column hihat velocity logic and fixed suppressed semi hats in that column under certain cirucmstances
* added ini option 'SpeedFilterBPM' to set a BPM above which certain 16th notes and all 32nd notes in fills and accents will be suppressed to avoid unnaturally fast performances
* The velocity threshold for switching from snare head to sidestick can now be adjusted in the general ini settings (Velocity_Autoside, 0..1). Default is 0.5 (used to be 0.7 so adjust if you need the old style)
* The velocity thresholds for the reduction logic can now be adjusted in the general ini settings:
o Velocity_Reduction1 0..1 Default=0.4
o Velocity_Reduction2 0..1 Default=0.3
o Velocity_Reduction3 0..1 Default=0.2
o Velocity_Reduction4 0..1 Default=0.1
* added notice above arranger in free and keyword jam indicating that Jamstix is controlling the arrangement in those modes
* fixed increasing CPU usage over time in Podium and forte
* fixed problem with Jamstix 'freezing' after loading first internal sample in some hosts under certain circumstances
* fixed a problem that could lead to an infinite loop when using empty default mappings or missing stock sounds under certain circumstances
* fixed delayed playing of accents suppressed by a silent rhythm or post-fill pause
* fixed GUI freeze in n-Track when closing several listboxes without selection
* fixed MIDI export tempo offset by 1BPM when the host sends tempo information in .9999 format
Price: 99 dollar
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