Zynewave is the developer of Podium, a professional music production software solution for Windows PCs
Podium offers a unique hierarchic mixing engine that integrates audio recording, VST plugins and external MIDI and audio gear. Configuration of plugins and external hardware are encapsulated in an object based project structure, which hides the technical complexities when you want to focus on musical inspiration.
Advanced features includes 64-bit mixing, multiprocessor support, surround sound, integrated sound editor, preset librarian and spline curve automation of plugin, MIDI and mixer parameters. The number of supported devices, plugins, tracks, channels and mixer busses are practically unlimited. All this is presented in a stylish and customizable user interface.
Development concentrates on quality and stability. Software updates are released frequently and are planned with the involvement of the user community.
Podium Feature Overview
· Wave files with up to 32 channels incl. all standard surround sound setups.
· Support for the RF64 wave file format used with files larger than 4GB.
· Each track can route up to 32 channels through plugins and mixer busses.
· Edit all or selected channels with the integrated sound editor.
· Mixer bus mappings allow mono and stereo sounds to be mixed into any channels of a multi-channel arrangement.
Multi-channel audio
Mixer busses
· Create up to 100 mixer bus instances.
· Send and return mappings can be placed freely in the track hierarchy.
· A mixer bus return can be assigned on multiple tracks.
· A mixer bus can feed into other mixer busses.
· Any latency added by a mixer bus return processing will not affect realtime monitoring of tracks that are not sending to the mixer bus.
External hardware devices
· MIDI and audio routing of an external device can be handled on a single track.
· Automatic delay compensation of MIDI and audio latencies.
· Hardware devices and plugins can be routed interchangeably in the track hierarchy.
· Bounce recording allows using a single hardware device on multiple tracks.
VST plugins
· VST 2.4 support including 64-bit double precision processing.
· Unlimited instances supporting multiple IO, multitimbrality and side-chaining.
· MIDI and audio routing of an insert plugin can be handled on a single track.
· Podium comes bundled with two plugins that are the first in a forthcoming zPlugin series developed by Zynewave.
· zPEQ is a 6 band parametric EQ.
· zReverb is an algorithmic reverb with stereo source positioning.
· The zPlugin editors are integrated in the Podium UI.
Audio bounce tracks
· Bounce tracks allows capturing the track audio output and switch between playback of the bounced audio or the child tracks in the bounce group.
· Insert bounce tracks anywhere in the hierarchic track tree.
· Bouncing can be done both by realtime recording and offline rendering.
· The audio events recorded on a bounce track can be moved around like normal sound events.
· Bounced plugins can be unloaded from memory to further save system resources.
# Changed the icons for device mapping, preset and parameter objects. The new icons show a circle with letters inside indicating the type of object. This allows differentiation between effects, instruments, sends, returns, preset types and parameter types. Icons for MIDI input, audio input and audio output mappings uses photographic images instead of the circle icons.
# The track inspector panel headers shows the icons for assigned objects.
# Added 'Search in File Folder...' to the context menu of broken sound and plugin objects on the project start page. This can be used to relink sound objects to the sound files in case you have moved or renamed the file folder, or to relink plugins that have been reinstalled in a different file folder.
# Added 'Use name of object assigned to track' option to the track properties dialog. When this option is enabled the name of any mapping or parameter object assigned to the track is automatically used wherever the track name is displayed in the arrangement editor.
# "Sequence profile" is renamed to the more meaningful "Editor profile".
# The setup file now stores the arrangement and sound editor profiles that were last selected in each browser window. This makes it easier to use a dual browser setup where e.g. one browser shows a timeline profile and the other a mixer profile.
# Added 'Sync Browser Navigation' to the view menu of browser windows. If this option is enabled then opening a browser page or editor in one browser will also open it in all other browsers.
# Added two new arrangement editor profiles to the default setup: "Split - Timeline" and "Split - Mixer".
# The headers of a collapsed group of tracks are separated by a thin line.
# Fix: Maximizing the main Podium window on the secondary monitor in a dual monitor setup would not always maximize to the correct resolution.
Price: 90 Dollar
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