# Template tracks can be created with the "copy track to template" and "copy group to template" track menus. A dialog will pop up where you can edit the template name and select whether timeline events should be copied. Once track templates have been created, they can be accessed on submenus of the "new track", "new child track" and "new group track" track menus.
# Track templates are stored in an auto-generated "track templates" arrangement. You can edit this arrangement to organize the order of the template tracks. Placing the templates in group tracks will create submenus in the track menus. A stickie note attached to the arrangement explains how this works.
# Using the "copy group to template" command will copy the entire group as a single template. This can be used to manage e.g. effect chain tracks or a set of tracks for a multiple IO plugin.
# "Recall track" is added to the track menu if the project contains track templates. Selecting a template from the submenu will replace the settings of the current track with those of the template track.
# Deleting a group track will move any child tracks one step up the hierarchy.
# When inserting new tracks the key focus will be set to the first of the new tracks.
# Holding the alt key while clicking on a group track header will drag the entire group and not just the single track. Previously dragging a group was only possible if the group was collapsed.
# Assigning a global plugin mapping to a track will automatically assign the local bank preset. This was previously only done for insert plugins.
# The start page device list menu contains two new sub menus: "import plugin definition" and "import hardware definition". The sub menus show all device definition files found in the "Zynewave Podium Projects\Library" folders. Importing a hardware definition will show a dialog with options for selecting MIDI and audio interface connections.
# The project wizard window is removed. All the essential wizard features are now found on the project start page. The Ctrl+W shortcut opens the browser window instead.
# Fix: Windows that are positioned outside the current desktop area will be centered so they are always visible. This can happen if you used a larger display resolution the last time you ran Podium.
Zynewave is the developer of Podium, a professional music production software solution for Windows PCs
Podium offers a unique hierarchic mixing engine that integrates audio recording, VST plugins and external MIDI and audio gear. Configuration of plugins and external hardware are encapsulated in an object based project structure, which hides the technical complexities when you want to focus on musical inspiration.
Advanced features includes 64-bit mixing, multiprocessor support, surround sound, integrated sound editor, preset librarian and spline curve automation of plugin, MIDI and mixer parameters. The number of supported devices, plugins, tracks, channels and mixer busses are practically unlimited. All this is presented in a stylish and customizable user interface.
Development concentrates on quality and stability. Software updates are released frequently and are planned with the involvement of the user community.
Podium Feature Overview
· Wave files with up to 32 channels incl. all standard surround sound setups.
· Support for the RF64 wave file format used with files larger than 4GB.
· Each track can route up to 32 channels through plugins and mixer busses.
· Edit all or selected channels with the integrated sound editor.
· Mixer bus mappings allow mono and stereo sounds to be mixed into any channels of a multi-channel arrangement.
Multi-channel audio
Mixer busses
· Create up to 100 mixer bus instances.
· Send and return mappings can be placed freely in the track hierarchy.
· A mixer bus return can be assigned on multiple tracks.
· A mixer bus can feed into other mixer busses.
· Any latency added by a mixer bus return processing will not affect realtime monitoring of tracks that are not sending to the mixer bus.
External hardware devices
· MIDI and audio routing of an external device can be handled on a single track.
· Automatic delay compensation of MIDI and audio latencies.
· Hardware devices and plugins can be routed interchangeably in the track hierarchy.
· Bounce recording allows using a single hardware device on multiple tracks.
VST plugins
· VST 2.4 support including 64-bit double precision processing.
· Unlimited instances supporting multiple IO, multitimbrality and side-chaining.
· MIDI and audio routing of an insert plugin can be handled on a single track.
· Podium comes bundled with two plugins that are the first in a forthcoming zPlugin series developed by Zynewave.
· zPEQ is a 6 band parametric EQ.
· zReverb is an algorithmic reverb with stereo source positioning.
· The zPlugin editors are integrated in the Podium UI.
Audio bounce tracks
· Bounce tracks allows capturing the track audio output and switch between playback of the bounced audio or the child tracks in the bounce group.
· Insert bounce tracks anywhere in the hierarchic track tree.
· Bouncing can be done both by realtime recording and offline rendering.
· The audio events recorded on a bounce track can be moved around like normal sound events.
· Bounced plugins can be unloaded from memory to further save system resources.
Price: 90 Dollar
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