Sagan Technology Metro pre-release v6.3.7 (Mac/Universal)

New to this version: 6.3.7
• New: Metro makes vastly improved usage of available CPUs with the new core audio option 'Thread Priority'. The setting of 'none' is what all previous OS X versions of Metro used. Metro now defaults to 'medium'.
• New: Metro LX supports up to 24 audio tracks now and 24 effects (or 6 synth plug-ins) simultaneously.
• New: Typing in numeric values in note fields is now acceptable. For example, 60 = c3.
• New: The duration dialog has been rewritten to be more OS X like.
• New: A new View type of drum editor, Drum Bars, has been added to the view menu. Documentation on this is forthcoming.
• New: Option-clicking on a drum solo button clears all solos.
• New: Importing sysex from a .ins file now sets the sysex event name.
• New: Intel Mac optimizations. Including automatic disabling denormalization in the audio engine.
• New: Using an aggregate audio device no longer results in long delays when play is pressed (in most cases).
• New: Intel mac and improved ReWire support.
• New: Direct support for Logitech mice with horizontal scrolling.
• New: OS X dialog when the demo versions time out.
• New: The bank selection in the graphic editor follows bank selections sent through MIDI thru.
• New: Expand is now possible without stopping play back.
• New: The Notation engine is now lazily initialized. This means if the Notation or Lyrics window is never opened, significant memory resources are conserved.
• New: The currently playing jukebox entry is now denoted with a red triangle.

Fixed in this version:
• The master fader's clip indicator is now working.
• Automation record now works on empty tracks.
• MTC sync is now fixed.
• AU plug-ins output re-configuring has been improved.
• A possible crash could occur when attempting to transpose an audio track that contained no data.
• Pressing stop while recording the Ultra Rhythm Explorer might not record the last pattern change.
• The Ultra Rhythm Explorer has been improved including new preference field for legato/staccato and a new variability slider.
• Insert Random Chord Progression has been vastly improved.
• The Contextual menu showing the track, mixer, effects and graphic edit windows output routing has been improved.
• Inserting time could cause events to become temporarily out of order.
• A bug introduced with sample accurate AU automation, was sending bogus data to certain AU plug-ins during automation play back.
• Pasting audio data onto a pure MIDI track is now impossible.
• The Metronome port setting is now retained across Metro sessions.
• The Metronome was not playing properly if assigned to a soft synth.
• Improved internal Metronome support.
• Soft-synth could play extra data on the last loop iteration if independent track looping was enabled.
• Dragging a plug-in to a graphic editor slot was not always loading the plug-in on the selected track of that slot.
• Using the contextual menu item 'To Track' in the plug-ins window used to place the plug-in on a new track but now places it on the currently selected track.
• Upon loading of a Metro document the order of plug-in windows was not being restored properly if the transport was in a different floating state than when the document was saved.
• If the jukebox was frontmost when a document was opened it was possible that the transport would disappear.
• Opening older Metro program name documents was failing on Intel Macs.
• The default controller (or plug-in parameter) was not being endian swapped and thus would not work when a document was transferred PPC to Intel or visa versa.
• Importing a type 0 MIDI file did not always set the track type to MIDI.
• Importing Quicktime MIDI files did not add the files to the recently imported MIDI files menu.
• Certain real-time operations would set the play position of soft-synths incorrectly.
• Creating notes, via chord mode or insert chord progression, on a bass track will automatically lower the notes one octave.
• The change port dialog has been improved.
• The velocity algorithm in groove quantize has been slightly improved.
• Pasting past the end of track in real time now sets the track position correctly.
• Mousing numeric fields has been slightly improved.
• Independent track looping has been improved and is no longer dependent upon MIDI data existing.
• The bar, beat, clock readout in the graphic editor no longer is quantized based on the note edit quantize setting until something is dragged.
• The glitch dialog no longer pops up after quit has been selected.
• On older systems it was possible that the G4 vector unit would not be recognized causing Metro to quit even though it was running on a G4.
• Pressing the 'esc' key while Metro is loading causes it to stop searching for plug-ins. Previous to this version it would also permanently remove items from the Graphic Editor's plug-ins menu.
• Better ReWire error messages.
• Since 6356 certain windows would not be deactivated properly.
• The cursor changes more appropriately in the drum editors.
• Miscellaneous cosmetic improvements.
• Dragging at the sample level has been improved.
• The internal Metronome is improved when syncing to MTC.
• Improved plug-in support.
• VST Automation has been improved.
• A crash could occur when loading a plug-in with an odd number of outputs (> 1) on a track.
• Metro no longer sends the selected bank select message more than once when looping.
• The Ultra Rhythm Explorer™ Phrase Arpeggiator algorithm has been substantially improved.
• The find program dialog has been improved.
• When attempting to apply an offline effect on an Audio + MIDI track, Metro would erroneously report that no audio tracks were selected.

Metro is a fast-operating, easy-to-learn high-powered sequencer for the design of professional audio projects. It stands alone as a complete and integrated MIDI, audio and video production system.

The audio system supports up to 64 audio tracks. Each track can have its own effect chain. Eight aux busses are also supported. Each with their own chain. Chains can be made up of VST effects and/or AudioUnits (OS X only). VST 2.0 is supported. All effects can be automated. Real-time editing is encouraged. Software audio play-thru allows the original audio to be recorded regardless of what plug-ins are currently in use.

The MIDI system has been around since the 1980's and is the most versatile and stable product of its kind on any platform. Metro combines all the functionality expected from a professional Macintosh MIDI sequencer with a simplified interface and innovative ideas, such as the Rhythm Explorer™ and the algorithmic Note Spray Paint tool.This MIDI system has been updated to support CoreMIDI and VST technologies.

The video system uses Apple's QuickTime technology for recording, applying video effects and overlaying text.

Complex projects can now be completed simply and elegantly.

Price from: 70 dollar
