Teragon Audio - DualComp v1.0 beta 1 (Pc/Mac/Universal/Free)

From the homepage:
A new version of DualComp is now available, and we are pleased to announce that DualComp has reached "beta" status. Major features in this build include:

* An AudioUnit version is now available as a Universal Binary
* Major cleanups with overall sound. When sidechained, input signal does not carry nearly as much distortion under extreme settings
* Added new "tolerance" parameter

This version does not include a GUI editor, but that will probably be available in the next beta, as we have found a graphic artist who has graciously agreed to donate some artwork for this plugin.

DualComp is a compressor utility plugin with a unique and warm sound, which is logarithmically calculated. In addition, DualComp has sidechaining capabilities, allowing an input signal (such as a kick drum) to "punch" through.


* Windows 2000 or XP, and a supported host application
* Mac OSX 10.2 or better (PPC or Intel), and a supported host application
