H. G. Fortune - STS-26 (Pc)

STS-26 - Space Transition Synthesizer
for Pads, Textures, Soundscapes, Athmospherics & more

Wave-Transition method for absolute unique atmospheres, soundscapes, pads & textures. This synth adds a stunning new dimension and motion for evolving sounds changing completely it's characteristics. Completely new set of 128 wave + 21 loops.

STS-26 - basic features:
# New: complete new soundset with 128 waves + 21 parc. loops
# New: two contour generators can be drawn with mouse at realtime
# New: Stereo flanger with flexible modulations for depth and feedback per channel
# New: Both filters with Filter FM driven by selectable osc. source each
# New: Low octave loop play [LOP] as part of the synthsound - see demotracks for examples
# Four PCM-wave oscillators powered by 128 selectable waveforms
# two transition sections
# two resonant filters (24db Lowpass and 12 db Highpass)
# three ADSR-style envelope generators
# two LFO (bpm-synced)
# one Sample & Hold (bpm-synced)
# Space rotation for sound rotating in stereo width
# Stereo Delay (bpm synced)
# three Lazy buttons

An additional important info is that the new STS-26 uses less CPU than it's predecessor STS-24.

While the free version is with internal waves the registered version comes as an open system i.e. the waves are supplied as SF2 file. Also wave files up to 24Bit can be loaded into each osc. slot of the registered version. The free version is supplied with 128 patches - the 8 voice Pro version comes with 384 patches.

The 8 voice version will be available for only 39,00 Euro
Upgrade price will be around 15Euro (comprising as bonus for upgraders the STS-24 waves as SF2-file + 128 adopted presets)

There is also a free 2-voice version available.
