MUTOOLS - LUNA Pre-Release 5c (Pc/Mac/universal/Pro/Free)

Luna is an Audio/Midi sequencer. There are a FREE version available.


* Tuned: Improved choosing of an output for a Rack <=> better differentiation between choosing audio / event output.
* Tuned: If there are no effects in the plugin database, then no "Effects" group is listed, as there is nothing to list.
* Tuned: The word "Strip" is replaced by "Rack".
* Tuned: By default, the first POST slot is halfway the Rack.
* Fixed: Crash bug when editing event time in list in certain circumstances.
* Fixed: Problem with choosing MIDI outputs.
* Fixed: Cut+Copy empty text caused a crash.
* Fixed: Selecting "None" for a Rack Slot removed the plugin, but did not delete it.

LUNA is a state of the art, ultra-light music application, designed to compose & perform music of different styles and flavors.

LUNA does not have a complex feature set, in which you can get lost.

At the contrary, LUNA is an easy yet rock-solid musical tool.

It's our intention to extent LUNA's functionalities in the future, but without compromising on easiness or quality.

LUNA's core feature set:

* Audio Recording & Playback
* MIDI Recording & Playback
* Composition & Sequence Editing
* Audio and MIDI VST Plugins
* Powerful Audio and MIDI Routing
* Audio Engine using 32 bit floats, all usable samplerates
* Sample Accurate Sequencing
* Multi Undo/Redo
* Available for OSX as a Universal Binary
* Available for Windows (ASIO)

LUNA comes in 2 flavors: LUNA Free and LUNA Unlimited.

LUNA Free is a light version of LUNA Unlimited and is free to everyone. LUNA Unlimited at the other hand supports an unlimited number of VSTis and Mixer Strips. Read more.
