FaderWorks is an audio plug-in for intelligent gain adjustment.
FaderWorks is available for Windows (VST) and Mac OS X (VST and AU, both Universal Binary).
New in version 1.1.0: Latency settings for cross-track latency compensation and delay control. This update is free for all registered users.
Feature List
* volume control with logically connected instances for flexible mixing of audio tracks, enhanced by solo/mute and bypass functionality
* assignments of instances to groups for efficient handling
* 128 instances at maximum
* 32 groups
* mute/bypass for all instances
* solo/mute/bypass for every group
* solo/mute/bypass for all instances within a group
* bypass for the current instance without affecting other instances
* group volume offset, switchable for every instance
* individual volume offset for every instance, switchable
* detailed control of volume adjustments using the fader, selectable modes are:
o volume for calculation in the connection matrix
o group offset
o individual offset
o sum of the levels mentioned above
* connection matrix for defining dependencies between different instances/groups
* 2 connection types:
o crossfade with adjustable crossover level
o multiply & offset with positive and negative multiplication factors
* connections in the matrix can be combined in serial and in parallel
* moving any fader belonging to a connection automatically updates all other connected faders
* connection matrix available from every instance
* parameter automation for volume levels and level switches
* reading and writing of automation switchable from every instance
* VST 2.4 compatible
* support for native 64 bit processing (VST only)
* all sample rates supported
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