Nepheton is a drum machine VSTi.
From the homepage:
Nepheton contains 16 fully synthesized instruments perfectly emulating the famous 8o8 drum machine. All the nuances and details of the instruments sounds are captured perfectly. The instruments models are equipped with additional controls giving you possibility to tweak the sound much better. Listen to the first audio demos. New examples coming soon...
Nepheton has a flexible output configuration. Every instrument's audio signal can be routed to any of the 16 outputs. This allows users to further shape sounds individually or in groups via their favourite plug-ins.
Each individual output can be set to mono or stereo. Every instrument also has a Mute, Solo button and Activity led. Mute will not just silence the sound, it will stop the sound being triggered. Solo will stop all other instruments from being triggered and only allow the selected sound(s) to play.
Nepheton has extensive midi control. Midi notes can be used to trigger each individual sound. Alternatively, the internal sequencer can be used. This can be set to play using Nepheton's internal clock or set to synchronize perfectly to the host sequencer.
Most of Nepheton's parameters can be automated within the host and also controlled using MidiCC with an external controller. An easy-to-use Midi Learn function allows reassignment of any of the parameters.
Internal Sequencer
Internal sequencer's memory contains 16 patterns. Every pattern has 4 segments - part 1/2 and variation A/B. Every segment consists of 16 steps. Each pattern location has a midi note number assigned to it. The patterns can be edited traditionally using the step buttons or using the tap function.
The internal sequencer has various modes of operation. In Chain Mode, a range of patterns are selected from the internal banks and are played through in a circular fashion. Patterns can also be triggered freely by selecting the corresponding midi note (for example, from a midi controller keyboard). External controllers can be used in any mode to provide full control over pattern playback. There is also possibility to trigger (automatically or manually) fill in patterns. Additionaly it can be defined whether the pattern should be preceded by introduction pattern.
A Randomizer function is also provided within the internal sequencer. It can be used to make simple changes to a pattern or create a whole new one - ideal when your creativity needs a boost! Randomizing can be applied to specific instruments and specific steps. The frequency of occurrence can also be adjusted to give you just the right amount.
Files are stored in the XML format. This allows single patterns or whole banks to be exchanged between users easily. XML allows the files to be edited in a text editor. Ideal if you want to post or share a pattern on a web site - just post the text!
Nepheton will be available first in VSTi format for both platforms (PC and Mac) followed by AU version.
Final price and release date to be announced...
Full Features
* 16 fully synthesized instruments
* perfectly scaled knob ranges
* exhanced control of instruments' sounds
* dynamic signal routing from instruments to outputs
* user defined outputs configuration
* mutes/solos for each instrument (affect triggerring not just the signal)
* fully controllable via MidiCC
* quick midiCC assignation with MidiLearn function
* many ways of controlling the device:
o external mode (note mode)
o internal sequencer (pattern mode) with 3 submodes
* external mode:
o user defined midi map (default set equal to General Midi)
o midi tune and velocity controls instruments' levels and tunes
* internal sequencer:
o 16 patterns (12 basic rythms and 4 intros/fill ins
o pattern contains up to 4 segments (up to 16 steps per segment)
o each segment can be defined with one of four available measures
o each step can be defined normal or accented
o shuffle mode
o tap mode
o chain mode
o Shuffle and Accent values defined per pattern part
o Scale function and intelligent Rescale (automatically stretches pattern to the chosen measure)
o built in Randomizer (selection of instruments to random, steps to be affected, frequency of the randomized notes and more)
o patterns import/export via human readable xml files
* two modes of synchronization:
o precise synchronization to the host tempo
o synchronization to internal clock - tempo controlled in the range 30-303 BPM (+-0.1)
* preset manager
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