Daevlmakr Media - Daevl.Plugs Audio Transmogrification Suite

From the homepage:
The Daevl.Plugs were built to bring organic qualities to electronic music and digital audio. Many employ random or chaotic processes triggered by peaks in the source material. Standardized controls, one-touch randomization, title links to help docs in each of 9 major and 9 CPU light plug-ins make it easy to put the Daevl into your own productions, up front in a mix or layered beneath for change and interest.

Each has its own strengths depending on source material, but every Daevl.Plug will transmogrify anything: voice, bass, guitar, synthesizers, drums, choirs of heavenly angels... you name it.

Technical specs

The Daevl.Plugs were created with Max/MSP/Jitter from Cycling '74, a graphical programming environment for the manipulation of MIDI, digital audio, images and video. Pluggo, also from Cycling '74, puts the power of Max/MSP/Jitter inside your audio applications as VST2, AU and RTAS plug-ins. VST2 is generally the most stable and full-featured of the various architectures. If your host supports multiple plug-in types, such as Ableton Live, use VST2.

The Daevl.Plugs are currently available for Windows XP and in Universal Binary format for Macintosh OS X on both PPC and Intel based machines.

Fully Supported Host Applications

Digital Performer - MOTU (Macintosh)
Live 5 & 6 - Ableton (Macintosh, Windows)
Logic - Apple (Macintosh)
Nuendo and Cubase version 3 - Steinberg* (Macintosh, Windows)
Protools LE and TDM 7.0 or greater - DigiDesign (Macintosh, Windows)
Sonar, Project 5 - Cakewalk (PC)
Max/MSP 4.6.2 and greater - Cycling '74 (Macintosh, Windows)

*Steinberg Cubase 4 uses the VST3 standard, and will be supported when Steinberg releases the full VST3 spec to 3rd party developers.

There are also many unsupported host applications that will run the Pluggo environment gracefully.
Acid - Sony
AudioMulch - Ross Bencina
Bidule - Plogue
DSP-Quattro - i3
Fruity Loops - Image-Line
GarageBand - Apple
GigaStudio - Tascam
Kore - Native Instruments
Numerology - Five-12
Samplitude - Magix

System Requirements

Some of the major suite of nine are quite processor intensive while working their transmogrifications on the audio stream, so a faster CPU is better for real time performance.

A Macintosh with a G4 processor @ 1GHz or faster, G5 processor or Intel Mac highly recommended
512MB of RAM, 1GB or more highly recommended
Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later
VST, AU or RTAS audio plug-in host application
Pluggo or the free Pluggo Jr./Pluggo Runtime from Cycling '74 installed, version 3.6 or higher

A Windows machine with a 2GHz or faster processor
512MB of RAM, 1GB or more highly recommended
Windows XP Pro or Home
VST or RTAS audio plug-in host application
Pluggo or the free Pluggo Jr./Pluggo Runtime from Cycling '74 installed, version 3.6 or higher


The Daevl.Plugs are available now in the Daevlmakr Store for US$36. Paypal, debit accounts and all major credit cards accepted by secure transaction.

Purchase and activation is an easy process. Download and install the demo, receive your Activation Phrase by email after purchase, run the authorization application included in the demo and the Daevl will be with you whenever and wherever you make music.
