Boomed-Fm II is Hybrid FM/Phase Distortion synthesizer, which produces clean or distorted high quality sound from many ranges: Strings, bases, keys, leads, pads etc…
*Oscillators and envelopes
There are six combined oscillators (modulators and carriers). For carriers are used Phase Modulation oscillators, which modulation depth perform wave module oscillator. Separately for every combined oscillator, there is very fat Low Pass 4-pole moog filter with adjustable cut frequency. Afterwards there is fine-tuning and Phase modulation adjustment for an analog sense.
Mixer adjusts the level from oscillators and enables or disables output.
*Master Filter
Master Filter contains Biquad filter with enveloped frequency-CUT. There are tree filter modes: Constant Skirt Gain (CSG), Constant 0db Peak Gain (COPK), and Peak. If Peak it’s selected, Gain/Attenuation can be adjusted from -60 to 24 db. There’s also up to for octave bandwidth.
Delay module if selected creates stereo output. There’s “Full In” and Normal delay mode. The first one it used for soft distortion and feedback modulation, while other gives delayed stereo sound with adjustable speed and timing.
Stereo input and very fat stereo output with high quality signal processing.
MIDI section allows to choose playing Octave, select Mono mode (which enables Retrigger function), There’s also velocity level and Portamento Time adjustments...
*82 presets in two SoundBanks
Quick Info:
Version: 2.05
Platform: Windows
Category: Hybrid FM/Phase Distortion
Format: DLL, zipped
Demo Restriction: Produce noise every 30 seconds
Cost: $14.99
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