updated to 0.1 on 6 March 2007:
- Orz now saves and loads patches through the host
- Partial patch saving and loading were simplified and reduced in functionality
- The routings section was flattened so all routing settings are always visible
- The layout was changed altogether
- The slider style was changed
- The routing combo boxes show "====" instead of "None"
- The nasty DC thing at the smallest possible negative value bug was fixed
Orz is a fully modular VST synth.
* a VST plugin synthesizer for Windows.
* fully modular.
* the first synthesizer to use TRAMS oscillator technology.
* capable of a sort of E-Mu-style morphing filter behavior.
* incomplete.
Orz features four envelopes, four oscillators, four delay units, four filters, four LFOs, four noise generators, two ring modulators, two step functions (also known as bitcrushers and amplitude quantizers), two sample-and-hold units, six freely routable user controls, and partial patch saving and loading.
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