The following issues have been fixed in version 4.0.2:
Issue ID Description
2686 Roomworks: After a while the plug-in may begin to produce extremely loud digital noise
2878 VSTi Track Freeze: HALion Symphonic Orchestra's (looped drum roll) will not be looped after freezing
2974 Output metering of all Plug-ins incorrect
3567 Audio Warp: Severe disc performance problems in C4
3986 CD Import doesn't work with some DVD drives
4068 Grungelizer stops working after bypass - activate
4348 MediaBay Scope: new implemented Follow Tempo handler doesn't work
4392 Select Velocity Stems in Edit-In-Place causes hung note
4489 Stuttering Cursor = MIDI Plug-in Problems
4496 Offline Process History (using plug-ins): uninvolved process steps get modified if a previous step is being changed.
4585 [HALionOne]: Sound "T8 Analog Kit" in the Studio Bank comprised endless loops
4645 [HALionOne] CPU Performance
4676 DoubleDelay (and other) settings lost from SX3 project loaded in C4
4687 Extract MIDI automation does not delete CCs from part
4695 Project incompatibility: Nuendo 3 project can not be loaded into Cubase 4
4741 Crash when removing/adding input channel
4746 Once delete External Instrument, SM2 editor never come again. (VstOpExternalEffect is not deleted)
4758 Input transformer bug with instrument tracks: duplicate track / save & reload project
4785 Open inplace editor creates defective track presets
4814 SCORE: Crash changing note length
4816 No audio and serious error on insert bypass/activate
4829 Yamaha DSP Factory - support only partially removed
4839 MediaBay crashes Cubase when scanning v1.0 and 1.1 ID3 tagged mp3 files
4842 Mixer: "Load All Mixer Settings" seriously broken
4885 Retrospective Record: Looks partially broken compared to SX3
4902 Re-routing channels takes too long ("Unresponsiveness")
4924 SynthEngine sounds different on Intel and PPC
5013 Mac: Text entry of VST3 automation data in Info line=crash!
5019 Crash on showing effect editor after second apply of track preset on audio track
5050 MIDI Track FX and Modifiers do not work
5057 [HALionOne] content in Cubase 4.01 installer: GmDrumSet 1 not registered on Win
5062 "An error occurred during mixdown" if exported sample rate is unequal project sample rate
5107 Media Bay can't find files using 2-byte characters on Japanese OS
5112 Rotary - Speed parameter doesn't work correctly after loading of preset
5161 Copying mixer channel settings does not work properly
5165 Score: Workspace crash
5181 Audio buffer down-switch causes freeze
5182 Audio recording while the audio editor of the same track is open causes poof.
5268 AmpSimulator: Using 96kHz projects possibly creates artefacts
5357 Cubase Studio 4: Fewer output-channel insert slots as specified!
5361 Cubase will "unexpectedly quit" after scrolling to a track that is a part of a collapsed track folder
5376 N.I.'s Vokator seen as mono in/stereo out
5389 Unfreeze and unload VSTi will be reload when closing the project
5412 Mackie Control: Not possible to load VST-Instruments via MC
5444 Can't open QT screen on Japanese system
5634 Changing ModMachine Rate during playback produces artefacts
5813 Loading a VSTi removes Houston from Remote Devices List
5843 MPEX Time stretching: crash by changing ratio during preview
5844 Yamaha 01X / Mackie Control paging not possible
6034 Upgrading from Cubase Mac PPC to Cubase Intel Mac might result in program freeze on startup
6397 HALionOne tuning and loop problems in several sounds
Cubase Studio 4 is a new workstation tailored to project studios and creative musicians. Based on the same core technologies as Steinberg’s Cubase 4 Advanced Music Production System, the streamlined Cubase Studio 4 offers professional tools for composition, recording, editging and mixing at an extremely attractive price.
Boasting a range of new capabilities in its price range such as SoundFrame™, full notation features and brand new VST3 instruments and effects, Cubase Studio 4 offers unprecedented functionality in its price class.
* Audio + MIDI Recording/Editing/Mixing
* New VST3 virtual instruments and effects
* SoundFrame™ - unique new Sound Management System
* Fantastic-sounding 32-bit Audio Engine
* Full scoring features
* Streamlined feature set tailored for project studios, musicians and composers
* Outstanding vaue for money, extraordinary price/performance ratio
* Cross platform: Windows and Mac OS X Universal Binary (compatible with PPC- and Intel-based Macintosh computers)
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