Textural REX: Electronic Edition: "T-REX" brings melody, harmony and tonal atmosphere to the REX2 format. Designed with Stylus RMX users in mind, this collection of 500 loops blends modern riffs with rhythmic ambiences and is designed to make immediately useful music with character to spare.
As part of the BPM Flex Series, loop tempos are unrestrained and can be used at virtually any BPM without artificial stretching or unwanted audio artifacts!
Stylus RMX users will be pleased to find T-Rex specially organized into 82 suites and ready for simple drag-and-drop conversion to the RMX format.
No matter if you use Stylus RMX, Reason or any other REX2 player, Textural REX will be one of the most musical, fun-to-use and flexible loop collections in your arsenal.
* Textural REX is available on DVD or via Download and features 100% copyright free loops.
* Textural REX features 19 combo suites that present an “A” and "B" loop group. Loops in combo suites play with and counter to one another creating multipart musical passages and the ability to create fuller sounding mixes.
* The DVD and Download contain the 500 REX2 files organized into 82 suites. Using the loops within Stylus RMX requires the user to drag-and-drop only one folder into RMX's included S.A.G.E. Converter.
* The DVD and Download also contain the 500 loops organized into six folders arranged by tempo (75-79 BPM, 80-89 BPM, 90-99 BPM, etc.) for simple file navigation in Reason and other programs that support the REX2 format.
* As part of the BPM Flex Series loops can be used at virtually any tempo without artificial stretching or unwanted audio artifacts.
* All loop file names identify the musical key and/or chord progression.
Price: $69.99
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