Jeremy Evers - Atlantis Synthesizer / Atlantis Filter Delay v0.9c (PC/Free)


What’s new?

* Improved performance of all algorithms
* More robust Anti-Denormal measures
* Bigger power buttons
* You can assign MIDI-learn mode by clicking on the slider
* Fixed using the effects version with MIDI

Atlantis is a unique synthesizer VSTi. It has nearly unlimited possibilities for creating new and exciting sounds! It is also a powerful effects module that can be used to process other audio.

3 true stereo morphing oscilators, with independant width, phase, spread, chorus, tuning, volume, envelope and panning feed into a pair of filters (with your standard algorithms and a lot of unique new favorites), a shaper (distortions and beyond), and a simple room modelling multitap filtered delay system with another pair of selectable filters. The routing of the filters and shaper can also be switched into a variety of configurations for further flexibility.

All the standard waveforms you would expect (sin, square, triangle, saw, noise)- and you can also import ANY waveform you like! Simply add a .wav file with the waveform you want to hear to the c:\chips folder - stereo or mono, any samplerate or bitdepth you like, and Atlantis will let you use it for oscilators and LFOs. Samples are upsampled into very high resolution wavetables. Read more.
