Remix Competition: Winning Tune Pressed On Vinyl!

music making remix contest

I've got an email from Microwave/Nikolay Seizov who is wondering if I could post information of a remix contest. Sure.
Here it is with his own words:

To mark the release of Microwave's debut single "The Sound Of No Good" I have decided to launch a remix competition in search for talented producers who want to get their music signed and printed on vinyl along with some big names in the industry. You can listen to a full length version of the track at Microwave's MySpace profile:

The general framework of Horseplay Records is Minimal Techno/House/Electro, but that should serve you as a guideline rather than a strict limitation to your creative approach. I am looking for interesting new wave dancefloor music, opposing the clichés of electronic music creation and pushing the boundaries of perception to a new level.

If you are interested in taking part in the remix competition send a message to and I will arrange the transfer of a bank with sample extracts from the master track.

Competition Rules:

* You should submit only one remix per artist name.
* Encode your final version as a WAV or AIFF (24bit preferred over 16bit)
* The file should be sent via and addressed to

* With your submission, include your:
- artist name
- real name
- website address
- mailing address
- biography
- photograph

* Closing date for entry submission: 1.Sept.2007

Good luck and productive knob tweaking.

