VirSyn - Poseidon v1.3


News in POSEIDON 1.3


- “Waterfall” spectrum display for better visualization of the sound model.
- Tracking parameter for residual noise component allows for more realistic/artistic usage of filtered noise in sounds.
- 80 new presets / 29 new sound models.


- Mac: MIDI program change messages now working with closed GUI.
- Mac/RTAS: Settings now stored properly.
- Attack time of amplitude envelope works goes now down to 0 milliseconds for immediate attacks.

At first sight POSEIDON looks like a simple structured analog “Oscillator-Filter” synthesizer with all controls visible at once. This gives POSEIDON the ease of use with nearly no learning curve. The real power is working under the hood: The oscillator is nothing less than the award winning spectral modelling sound generator of CUBE. The variable slope Filter is a completely new design based on our unique F-domain synthesis.

Read more.
