Plectrum is powered by Tascam's GVI
Vital Arts:
Imagine 185 instruments you have never played before.
Imagine sounds made by plucking, strumming, tapping, scraping, and flicking a range of prepared instruments and found objects. Imagine stretched strings, glass vessels, water filled cups, breaking twigs, and much more, sounded out and recorded in thousands of full length, high resolution samples. Imagine these sounds tuned and voiced, under your fingertips, transformed into inspiring keyboard instruments. Imagine what you could do with such instruments. Imagine Plectrum.
If you lift the dampers of a grand piano, then reach in and pluck the strings inside, the sound you get is beautiful, but altogether different from what people know as a piano sound. If you scrape one of its wound bass strings with your fingernail, you’ll hear another, completely unique sound that changes dramatically depending on where along the length of the string you touch it. Similarly, the sound of an open guitar string vibrating on its harmonic divisions is very pretty, but seldom produced by a guitarist in normal playing, and then only at certain pitches.
Welcome to Plectrum, the library of original acoustic instruments created by Geoffrey Gee. This library features 185 keyboard instruments that you have never played before.
Each Plectrum instrument is original in the sense that it brings to your fingertips unique sounds from prepared instruments and found objects, tuned and voiced to play with a responsiveness, ambience, and decay comparable to a piano.
Each Plectrum instrument is acoustic in the sense that it was constructed from high-resolution recordings taken of physical materials in real environments. Multiple takes and articulations of each sound are set up for “round robin” playback, offering the texture and aural richness of an acoustic instrument.
These are virtual instruments then, not only because they run in software, but because they can only be played in software. These instruments do not exist anywhere else. It is up to you to explore and discover what they can do.
Instruments in the first four categories, Strummed Strings, Struck Strings, Plucked Strings, and String Harmonics, were created by playing conventional stringed instruments, such as piano and guitar, in unusual ways. The strings were tuned and detuned, sometimes muted, and then hit, scraped, tapped, plucked and strummed to capture harmonics and timbres that are rarely available when playing the instruments as they were designed to be played.
Instruments in the second four categories, Glass, Ceramics, Metals, and Found Objects, were made from sounds produced from strikes and collisions between various materials and objects that were then programmed to play as tuned percussion instruments. Even those sounds with no obvious center pitch are designed to work well when played along with other tonal instruments.
The ninth category, Habitats, features natural world environments such as marsh, hillside, forest stream, rain, and thunder. You can play them much as you would play a synth pad, and what you hear is an ever-evolving environmental sound to place behind other tracks in your music.
Whether you use Gee’s original acoustic instruments to play songs you know well, or music you are hearing for the first time, these instruments invite you to listen, again.
System Requirements: PC
Minimum System Requirements
•Windows XP SP2
• Pentium IV 1.7GHz or AMD 1500 XP
• 512MB RAM
• Sample Content Disk Space of 8GB
Recommended System Requirements
•Windows XP SP2
• Pentium VI 2.8GHz or AMD 3200 XP
• Sample Content Disk Space of 8GB
•VST or RTAS Host Application
Intel Mac Version Coming
September 2007!
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