Togu Audio Line - VST 2.4 Update/Universal Binaries

togu audio line

Release of TAL-Dub, Vintager, U-NO-60 and Chorus-60 Universal Binaries. For Windows users, a VST 2.4 update of all plugins is available including several bugfixes and improvements.


TAL-Dub 1.1.0

* Updated to VST 2.4.
* Universal Binary release.

Vintager 1.5.0

* Smoth cutoff changes, also with extern MIDI controllers.
* Global MIDI learn added.
* Several bug fixes.
* Updated to VST 2.4.
* Universal Binary release.

U-NO-60 1.2.0

* Some small CPU optimations.
* Several bug fixes.
* Updated to VST 2.4.
* Universal Binary release.

Chorus-60 1.2.0

* Updated to VST 2.4.
* Universal Binary release.
