Ableton Live 6 / Live 6 LE v6.0.10

ableton live 6 music making

Changes from Live 6.0.9 to Live 6.0.10


Several text corrections


The "Show in Explorer" context menu command would not show the correct folder on all version of Windows Vista.

On Windows, if your user account name contained any non ASCII characters (like ö, ü, ...) the index creation required for Live’s Browser search would fail.

The Root key would not be displayed for MIDI note range mappings.

The MPK49 controller surface script would not work properly when using its buttons.

The Oxygen8v2 and Oxygen8 controller surface scripts would not correct handle MIDI CC.

Clip View Transpose and Volume parameters would not process single-key MIDI mappings.

Using the Grain Delay effect device could lead to a glitch in the audio signal.

The MIDI feedback for switch and button controls would not work properly.

Read more about Live 6
Read more about Live LE
