Audacity has been updated to version 1.3.4 beta. This beta version only works for Windows and Linux.
November 13, 2007: Audacity 1.3.4 Released
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.4 (beta), which includes several new features and user interface improvements, such as:
- New Welcome Screen with introduction to Audacity.
- New 'Mix and Render to New Track' command.
- Support for VAMP audio analysis plug-ins.
- More keyboard shortcuts and navigation.
- Reworked solo/mute handling.
- New preference: Select all audio in project, if none selected (on by default).
- New preference: Beep on completion of longer activities.
- Envelopes: Many fixes when copying, pasting, or repeating.
- Many translation updates.
- Metadata editor added for OGG vorbis, FLAC and WAV/AIFF exports. Metadata import improved.
- Muted tracks are no longer audible in the exported mix.
- Improvements to latency correction.
Note that this release is for Windows and Linux/Unix only. The latest Audacity beta for Mac OS is version 1.3.3.
Read more about Audacity here.
"Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems." Via
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