Tone2 AudioSoftware has updated their synthesizer FireBird+ to version 1.9.
Some of the changes:
- Keyboards with nonstandard pitchwheels are not longer out-of-tune
- Software disclaimer in installer
- Reduced loading time
- User errors and previously installed warez versions of FireBird do not longer mute the output
- Improved host compatibility. Workarounds for several buggy hosts (gui resizing)
- Warez versions of reFX/Tone2 products do not longer cause a warning message
- Wrong display of fatness value
- “Moog analog filter” created a loud noise on low cutoff values
- Wrong display of “Reverb high-end” parameters
Read more about Firebird here.
"Firebird is not just another synthesizer. It provides a powerful, unique, and innovative synthesis architecture for next-generation sounds never heard before. 300 build-in sounds present a full range of useful workhorse studio standards as well as very special Firebird sounds characterized by multilayered subtle modulations which add new life and dynamics to the sounds." Via
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