Sampler: 112dB - Morgana 1.2

112dB releases version 1.2 of the excellent vintage sampler Morgana. Changes this time:

New Features
VST and Audio Units versions for Mac OS X 10.,4 (Tiger) and 10.5 (Leopard).
Mouse scroll wheel support for sample editor (both up/down for zoom and left/right for shift).
LCD value display stays for a few seconds after adjusting control.
Root key for samples without root key definition defaults to zone center when sampling/importing new
Sample editor redraws much faster for big—more than a few MB—files.
Switching modules could under some circumstances corrupt zone settings.

Price: 169 euro/$199.

Read more about Morgana here.
Find other samplers here.


"Morgana is an authentic representation of a vintage digital sampler, designed to be musical rather than accurate while simultaneously free from the clumsy interface or sub-megabyte RAM limitations plagued by old hardware." Via
