PG Music releases Build 260 Beta version of the Windows accompaniment software Band-in-a-Box 2008.5. Changes in this version:
Since build 259:
Fixed: Audio_Stretched.WAV file was getting written during render.
Fixed: RealDrums were making a brief sound during rests.
Improved: Limit for unique styles in stylepicker increased from 5,000 to 8,000 (PG Music has made about 3,000 styles).
Fixed: Was not switching from 'a' substyle to 'b' substyle in RealBass fast enough on new choruses.
Added: Clear ALL button added to the RealTracks Assign dialog, which removes all RealTracks assignements.
Added: On first time bootup (first 2 bootups) , offer is made to Archive WAV files, if program resides on C:\ drive and 'RPS001.WAV' exists in RealTracks folder.
Added: Archive function in RealTracks and RealDrums dialogs offers to archive the other folder as well.
Updated: More info added to StylePicker, RealTracks styles.
Price: From 129 dollar (Pro version)
Read more here.
"The award winning Band-in-a-Box is so easy to use! Just type in the chords to any song (like C or Fm7b5), choose a musical style from the hundreds available, and click the [Play] button." Via