Monkey Tools launches Sound Grinder Pro, a audio editor / batch processor for Mac. Features:
* Sophisticated processing engine for speed and stability.
* One window design.
* Customizable list view.
* Resizable control section.
* Rapid Convert providing in-Finder file conversion.
* Unattended processing mode.
* Multiple error logging levels.
* Unicode support.
* Comprehensive conversion engine.
* Droplets for drag-n-drop processing.
* AU and VST plugin support.
* Multi-channel file support.
* RMS and Peak normalizing.
* Advanced naming options.
* User presets.
* "Retain Folder Structure" option.
* Naming options for Pro Tools compatibility with split audio files.
* Pull-up/pull-down sample rates.
* Custom sample rates.
* 31 character name limit support.
* Mutli-channel editing.
* Movie Preview while editing.
* Waveform overview with advanced selection options.
* Sample-level editing
* Resizable channel waveform view
* Support for fades/loops/markers/regions.
* Auto-trimming.
* Auto-regioning with naming.
* Region exporting
* Comprehensive edit actions.
* Metadata batch-processing.
* Copy metadata from selection
* Support for Finder/Spotlight comments.
* Support for ID3 tags, Vorbis Comments, FLAC Comments, and Quicktime User Data.
* All metadata viewable in the list view.
* Preview process settings.
* Full playback control including scrubbing.
* Playback slider.
* Loop playback.
* Quicktime movie video preview.
Price: $299.00
"Sound Grinder Pro was also built as a companion to your DAW workstation with advanced naming, metadata processing, and drag-n-drop importing into Pro Tools or other DAW software. We invite you to try Sound Grinder Pro today and see how it can make a difference in your production environment!" Via