Jeroen Breebaart releases a multi-factor Limiter plugin for Windows - Barricade Pro. Features:
Waveform limiting
Envelope limiting
Loudness limiting
Correlation limiting
Professional signal level meters according to the Katz metering system. Metering includes digital peak, peak hold, RMS and correlation levels. Meters can be switched between K12, K14 and K20 scales.
Supports processing of 64 bits audio data.
Output bit-depth can be reduced using dithering and perceptual noise shaping.
Sample rates are supported of up to 196 kHz.
Price: Not available yet. Demo version is avaialble. Released this summer.
Here are more Effects, Plugins and Filters.
"Each section for waveform, envelope, loudness and correlation limiting is fully customazible in terms of time constants, amount of processing, and alike." Via