Sample Magic releases the sample library Nu-Rave. Find prime electro-house, disco-punk and sleazy new wave mashups. Boasting 800+MB loops and one-shots at 120, 125 and 130bpms.
Features: 2.29GB CD/DVD multipack (2,454 files), includes Audio, 24-bit Wavs (891Mb, 796 files), Stylus RMX compatible Rex files (361Mb, 476 files), Apple Loops (534Mb, 476 files) plus EXS24, Reason NNXT, Kontakt II and Halion patches.
Price: £59.95
Here are more Sounds, Loops and Samples.
"this is our most exciting release to date, offering the very best in Parisien house and indie-tinged electronica." Via