Angry Red Planet unveils version 1.3.2 of the unexpiring trialware sequencer / DAW for Windows - Temper. It's worth the 50 dollar for registration. Registrate if you use it much.
Implemented sync'ing on note decor, so the pulse and sync shapes work.
The controller and velocity strips now always display the current mouse value even when you're in the left area.
The velocity strip has selection-drag-select enabled in the left area (just like the controller and piano roll)
MIDI editing has been reworked. The major change is that the Sync and Pulse shape are now fully supported, and are included in most of the tools by default. These shapes allow you to lock processing to the measure or beat for quick rhythmic effects. The main tools to be reworked are Velocirapture, Quantize and Flip. Check their docs for descriptions of what you can do with them.
Added new tool Shape Select, a box select that lets you sculpt the selection with shapes for both value and time, so you can do things like select all notes with low velocity that are on the beat.
Improved consistency when selecting events: You can now click and drag in the area left of both the controller strip and piano roll to select events in the given ranges. Use CTRL or SHIFT to add to the current selection, ALT to remove from it.
Holding ALT while using the Select tool will now deselect.
Tweak pipeline editing, you can now drag an FX to an input pin as a shortcut for opening the Links window.
Added offline docs: Download them from the download page, and unzip them in the Temper/ folder. When you do this, all the internal '?' links in Temper will use the local docs instead of going online.
Added new option Setup->Appearance->FX Background. Use this to select a shape to perform some background shading on FX in the pipeline. Most shapes won't render anything you want -- use the shape available in the Visual/ category. The rendering is done by drawing the first shape along the X axis and the second along the Y.
Fix: Arpeggiator and other FX weren't retaining the % param.
Fix: Pulse and Sync shapes weren't working in the Arpeggiator.
Fix: A couple display bugs in the Arpeggiator.
Fix: Some bugs in the pipeline layout.
Fix: Setting an FX to bypassed wasn't automatically rebuilding the graph.
Fix: A couple bugs in the Eat Duplicates FX.
Fix: Various bugs in Temper VST, exposed primarily by Aodix.
Fix: Certain VSTs weren't displaying their MIDI input (Prosoniq Orange Vocoder; anything that relies on Want Midi as the sole method of indicating it allows MIDI input).
Fix: Audio displayed in the track editor wouldn't zoom past ~600 %.
Deprecated: The intrinsic tools (Sha-P, Sha-V, Shif-T, Shift-E); that behaviour moved to the group controls awhile back.
Deprecated: The 1st Bass tool, which was kinda silly.
Deprecated: The tool browser. It was only being used as a way to access the web link for the docs on each tool, which has now been replaced with a direct link in the inspector title bar of the active tool.
Temper is available as unrestricted, unexpiring trialware. You are free to evaluate it for as long as you need, but if you decide to make it part of your workflow you're required to purchase a license.
Price: 50 dollar
"Easily integrate Temper with your other software via basic drag-and-drop behaviour, more advanced sync functionality, or seamlessly as a VST." Link