nashNET releases version 0.94 of reViSiT - Tracking software for VST hosts.
[ADD] Envelope Carry feature.
[MOD] Workaround for omitted MIDI messages in Cubase.
[MOD] MIDI note-off behaviour simplified.
[MOD] New code for MIDI timing when host isn't playing.
[MOD] Now possible to send MIDI messages (e.g. effects) without triggering a note (enter instrument only)
[MOD] Envelope nodes inserted between existing nodes.
[MOD] Pattern Overview now updates instantly.
[FIX] Greatly improved stability.
[FIX] Crash in Preferences (F12) screen.
[FIX] Crash when loading while pattern overview is open.
Resonant Filter Support
Major stability improvements
Lots of minor additions and improvements
[ Professional Edition Update ]
The big news for the Pro edition is the introduction of MIDI-triggered pattern playback.
Read more about reViSiT here.
"The integration of the Tracker architecture (notably its User Interface*) in sequencer software, will bring the best of both worlds to the composer." Link