Effect: KResearch - KR-Delay FS R1.1.0 / Pc / Mac / Universal / Free

KR-Delay FS

KResearch has released another great FREE plugin for both Windows and Mac. KR-Delay FS R1.1.0 is a free delay effect.

Input selector - Left, Right and Stereo
Stereo, Link and Ping-Pong modes
Host Sync mode from 1/64 - 1/1 plus T and D modes.
Independent Panning controls
Low Pass/ High Pass Filters with Resonant control
Filters On-Off switch
Graphical representation of all effect parameters
Independent feedback controls
Independent Dry/Wet controls
Independent Output Level controls from -12db to 12db
Windows XP,Vista (VST)
Support for User definable presets
(Save & Load) via Host interface

Here are more Effects, Plugins and Filters.

“This release of KR-Delay FS comes with many new features” KResearch
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