Effect: MeldaProduction - MAutoEqualizer


MeldaProduction launches MAutoEqualizer, an automatic mastering equalizer & analyzer, linear-phase equalizer effect for Windows.
State-of-the-art 10 band parametric equalizer and linear phase equalizer combined with a powerful spectrum analyzer in a single window.
Automatic equalization.
Comes in 2 versions - zero-latency equalization and a linear phase equalizer implementing 3 equalization algorithms with (approximately) the same frequency response.
Adjustable dry/wet mix.
Includes comparisons to most modern styles.
Averaging, smoothing and magnitude normalization.
Extremely advanced and easy-to-use user interface.
Q in range 0.05 to 10.
Adjustable upsampling 1x-4x.
64-bit processing and unlimited sampling rate.
Very fast, optimized for SSE and SSE2 processors.

Price: Introductory price - 99 EUR. Normal price: 249 EUR.
Here are more Effects, Plugins and Filters.

“MAutoEqualizer is a revolutionary (not-only) mastering plugin, that combines a powerful equalizer (including state-of-the-art linear-phase version) and analyzer in a single window.” MeldaProduction
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