Here is another compilation with the 100 latest FREE music making software!
The May 2009 compilation contains many excellent effects, instruments, synths, DAW’s and much much more!
It would be great if you share this list on different social networks, and maybe write about it on your blog.
The List:
Instrument: Ruin & Wesen – Synevo / Pc / Free
Ruin & Wesen launches Synevo, a free drum VST instrument for Windows. Some features: filter, full ADSR, two kinds of modulation, FM and Phase Modulation, bit crusher and VCF. “Synevo gives you all the niceties that you perhaps wish that Drummm had” Ruin & Wesen Related articles by Zemanta Instrument: Knobster - PLASTIC PIANO / Pc / Free ( Instrument: HV Synth Design - Total Brass ( Instrument: DSK Music - DSK ChoirZ (beta) / Pc…
DAW: LMMS 0.4.4 has been released / Pc / Linux / Free
LMMS - Linux MultiMedia Studio 0.4.4 has been released. It’s a free DAW for Linux and Windows. Looks great! Features: Song-Editor for composing songs A Beat+Bassline-Editor for creating beats and basslines An easy-to-use Piano-Roll for editing patterns and melodies An FX mixer with 64 FX channels and arbitrary number of effects allow unlimited mixing possibilities Many powerful instrument and effect-plugins out of the box Full user-defined track-based automation and computer-controlled automation sources…
Synthesizer: The Lower Rhythm – Mindrot / Pc / Free
The Lower Rhythm launches Mindrot, a free experimental synth for Windows. Features: 14 faders 13 buttons 4 knobs Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “primarily creates its sound by modulating an envelope generator” The Lower Rhythm Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: Lithium Sound - Silver Bass / Pc / Free (via Making Music) ( Synthesizer: Image-Line - Sawer (via Making Music) ( Synthesizer: H.G. Fortune - AlioNoctis Pro /…
Effect: AcmeBarGig - Red Shift / Pc / Free
AcmeBarGig launches Red Shift, a free Guitar Pickup Replacer effect for Windows. Features: 3 knobs and 2 bypasses. Each knob controls a volume level. Pickup Volume, Material Volume and Master volume. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “allows you to replace the tone of your guitars pickup with a huge list of different alternatives” AcmeBarGig Related articles by Zemanta Effect: Nick Crow Lab - 8505 Lead / Pc / Free ( Effect: Nick Crow - 7170 Lead / Pc / Free …
Effect: AcmeBarGig – DIG 2.0 (Dual Integrated Gain) / Pc / Free
AcmeBarGig unveils DIG (Dual Integrated Gain), a free VST effect plugin for Windows. Some features: Stereo Delay Noise Gate AMP Cabinet shaper EQ Filter …and more! :) Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “From Bone crushing heavy metal shredder riffs, to sweet Piezo flavored tones DIG 2.0 does it all with class and a bit of attitude” AcmeBarGig From Making Music . Try Readle Gadgets , Clipotech or follow me on Svartling Network , Friendfeed , Twitter .
Synthesizer: Denis Eismann - SuperSynthFX (SSFX) / Pc / Free
Denis Eismann unveils SuperSynthFX, a free synth and sample player for Pc. The goal is to provide an analog control surface, similar to that of old analog synthesizers. It’s uses a touch panel to simulate this behavior. If you have a Tablet-PC you can use the finger or a pen to control the sliders. Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “developed mainly for use in conjunction with an Touch Panel PC or Tablet PC.” Denis Eismann Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: Image-Line -…
Instrument: – BeatVox / Pc / Free unveils BeatVox, a free rompler that replicate voice percussion sounds for Windows. Features: 44 KHz/16 bit sample format; One percussion and two chromatic sets; Drive Control; Low CPU usage. “The set contains a half dozen different percussion, as well as two «voice» chromatic set” Related articles by Zemanta Instrument: DSK Music - DSK mini DRUMZ 2 / Pc / Free ( Instrument: JOSEMARIACORTE-REAL - Joe's Rhodes / Pc / Free (via Making…
Effect: – Mo’Verb / Pc / Free unveils Mo’Verb, a free reverb effect plugin for Windows. Features: - Optimized design for maximum smoothness of reverb sound - Independent Early and Late reflections EQ s - Wall reflection iterative filter - Built-in stereo imager - Built-in gate - Built-in goniometer - Variable stereo spread - Programmed with Delphi and Assembler - 30+ presets Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “provide basis for creating of wide spectrum of timbres, make smooth and warm sound, handy…
Effect: Auraplug – Whamdrive 2.0 / Pc / Free
AuraPlug releases version 2 of Whamdrive, a FREE Pitch shifter / Distortion Effect for Windows Changes: - Complete rewrite of the user interface and voice management (now fully written in C++). - Fixed multicore bug. - Improved compatibility with some hosts ( FL Studio , Tracktion , ACID Pro and Cubase ). - Very short loading and initialization times. Read more here . Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “ It allows you to pitch an incoming audio stream in realtime with an external MIDI foot…
Effect: One – PitchChange / Pc / Free
One unveils PitchChange, a free simple pitch effect for Windows. The employed algorithm is the freely under the Wide Open License (WOL) distributed high-quality pitch scaling algorithm smbPitchShift. The pitch change slider is set initially to 100 %. A 2nd slider "Gain" changes the volume of the input stream to 0 - 200 % and is set by default to 100 %. A 3rd slider "Phaser" applies a phasing effect. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “It provides the possibility to…
Sounds: Togeo Studios - Beatmaker Classic Pack 1 / Live / Pc / Mac / Free
Togeo Studios launches Beatmaker Classic Pack 1, a free Sample Live Pack for Ableton Live . It contains fifty drum kits, forty impulse sets and ten kits using drum rack device groups. The samples are all 24-bit, 44khz in wav format of classic drum machines . There are separate controls for the kick drums pitch , decay and volume. Effect racks contain standard reverb and delay . Here are more Sounds , Loops and Samples . “This is the first of a long series of free drum and percussion kits from Togeo…
Effect: Nick Crow Lab - 8505 Lead / Pc / Free
Nick Crow Lab unveils 8505 Lead, a free tube guitar amp VST plugin for Windows. Features: POWER - Power ON/OFF. HQ - Oversampling ON / OFF. GAIN - Determines the amount of gain applied by the Pre Amp. LOW, MID, SWEEP, HIGH - Tone Stack controls. POWER AMP - Determines the amount of gain applied by the Power Amp. VOLUME - Output level. After Nick_Crow_8505_Lead insert some guitar cabinet emulation. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “”Nick Crow 8505 Lead” is free” Nick Crow Related…
Effect: QuikQuak - UpStereo 2.0 Beta E / Pc / Mac / Free
QuikQuak unveils UpStereo 2.0 Beta E, a free stereo enhancer plugin for both Pc and Mac. Some Features: * Loudness control enables a complex saturator to boost your mixes. * Stereo width slider going from mono to wide, bringing the stereo image out and towards the listener. * Subtle Air & Bass boosters to lift and help the audio 'breath'. Changes in this version: * Slowdowns in some hosts fixed. * New option screen with camera position choices. * GUI works with different angles. *…
Effect Rack: ifoundasound - LiveProfessor - The Sound Processor version 3 alpha / Pc / Free
ifoundasound releases alpha 3 version of LiveProfessor - The Sound Processor, an effect rack of VST-plugins for Windows. Changes: New: Custom workspaces. Save and recall window layouts. New: Chain midi from one unit to the other. Plugins that have midi out can now be routed to other plugin's input New: Clone units. Automatically adds a new unit and loads the settings of the cloned unit New: Load banks and programs from files ( .fxb, .fxp) New: Custom shortcuts. Add or change keyboard shortcuts. New:…
Synthesizer: GTG Synths - PD 9 / Pc / Free
GTG Synths unveils PD 9, a free Phase Distortion synth for Windows. Features: 2 inter-modulating oscillators Pitch-mod Sub-Osc Delay Chorus EQ Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “dedicated to 70`s bass and lead sounds .” GTG Synths Related articles by Zemanta Instrument: Angular Momentum - ClapLab / Pc / Free (via Making Music) ( Synthesizer: Audioxygen - Gemini ( Synthesizer: EZ-SOUND - Faz-2000 VSTi (via Making Music)…
Effect: AuraPlug – Red Skull v2.0 / Pc / Free
AuraPlug has updated the free distortion effect for Windows called Red Skull to version 2.0. Changes: - Complete rewrite of the user interface and voice management. - Fixed multicore bug. - Improved compatibility with some hosts. - Very short loading and initialization times. Read about previous version here . Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “The tone section gives you complete control over Bass, Midrange, and Treble to get the ultimate chunk for your virtual rig.” AuraPlug …
Instrument: Angular Momentum – ClapLab / Pc / Free
Angular Momentum has unveiled ClapLab, a FREE Virtual analog Clap VSTi for Windows. Features: Graphical Amp Envelope Noise Envelope Filter Envelope Filter 3 band EQ Saturator 9 presets Angular Momentum Related articles by Zemanta Effect: vescoFx - FREE QUEUE EQ PLUGIN / Pc / Free ( Synthesizer: Audioxygen - Gemini ( Effect: Variety Of Sound - NastyXTC (via Making Music) ( Effect: V-Plugs - Emphasizer (via Making…
Instrument: Knobster – Keywriter / Pc / Free
Knobster launches Keywriter, a free VST instrument for Windows. It’s a rompler that reproduces the sound of a German typewriter called “Erika”. Features: Full range of typewriter sounds ; Stereo control; Drive control; Low CPU usage. “Can be used as a unusual rhythm machine, and as a tool for special effects .” Knobster Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: Moppel - Sonitarium 1.2 / Pc / Free ( Instrument: DSK Music - DSK mini DRUMZ 2 / Pc / Free…
Effect: de la Mancha – D2 / Pc / Free
de la Mancha unveils D2, a free compressor effect plugin for Windows. Features: · Stereo compressor with gain reduction meter · True stereo, each channel is compressed independently · Threshold down to –40dB · Ratio 1.5:1 to infinity · Attack from 0-30 ms · Release from 5ms to 2.4s · Make-up gain to 20dB · VU meter shows actual and peak levels of gain reduction · Dirt option gives added distortion and enhancement · All control parameters named and mapped to midi CC Here are more Effects ,…
Synthesizer: Togu Audio Line - TAL-Elek7ro / Pc / Mac / Free
Togu Audio Line launches TAL-Elek7ro, a free virtual analog synth for both Mac and Pc. Looks great! Features: 2 oscillators with hardsync, PW and FM. 1 sub oscillator . 1 noise oscillator. 18dB or 12dB non linear analog modeled low pass resonance filter. Mono mode, including portamento . Poly mode, up to 6 voices. 2 free routable Lfo 's. Filter and amplifier ADSR -envelope. Free routable AD-envelope. Mod-wheel and Pitch -Wheel support. Midi Learn for all pots. Velocity to filter contour intensity. Panic…
Effect: Novaflash – FLANGEL / Pc / Free
Novaflash launches FLANGEL, a free Stereo Flanger effect for Windows. Features: - Two LFO modulator - Built in tremolo - Post/Pre resonant filter Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “Stereo Flanger, Classic, Free , Efficient. “ Novaflash Related articles by Zemanta Effect: AZ AUDIO - ADopplerEn2 / Pc / Free ( Effect Rack: ifoundasound - LiveProfessor - The Sound Processor 2.2 / Pc / Free (via Making Music) ( Effect: Togu Audio Line -…
Effect: Nick Crow - 7170 Lead / Pc / Free
Nick Crow unveils the 7170 Lead, a free (donate if you like it) Lead – tube guitar amp VST plugin for Windows. Features: POWER - Power ON/OFF. DRIVE - Determines the amount of gain applied by the Pre Amp. LOW, MID, SWEEP, HIGH - Tone Stack controls. POW AMP - Determines the amount of gain applied by the Power Amp. OUTPUT - Output level. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “After Nick_Crow_7170_Lead insert some guitar cabinet emulation.” Nick Crow Related articles by Zemanta Effect Rack:…
Effect: Dover Audio - Rasberry Filter Pad / Pc / Free
Dover Audio launches Rasberry Filter Pad, a free filter effect for Windows. Features: X/Y pad 12 filters automation Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “here is a really fun filter plugin…. an xy pad and radio buttons for types.. “ Dover Audio Related articles by Zemanta Effect Rack: ifoundasound - LiveProfessor - The Sound Processor 2.2 / Pc / Free (via Making Music) ( Effect: Jeroen Breebaart - Red Phatt Pro 1.0.1 ( Effect:…
Effect Rack: ifoundasound - LiveProfessor - The Sound Processor 2.2 / Pc / Free
ifoundasound launches LiveProfessor - The Sound Processor 2.2, an effect rack of VST-plugins for Windows. Features: As many VST plugins as your computer can handle. Easy routing Snapshot automation of each plugin Midi input. Fast audio engine to ensure low latency. Changes in alpha 2.2: FIX: Crash on startup after building plugin list containing some strange plugins. FIX: Some windows are not fully displayed when their size changed. FIX: Plugin window could flicker when using navigator. FIX: Bug in the VST…
Effect: Terry West - Easy-NY / Pc / Free
Terry West launches Easy-NY 1.1, a free Compressor effect for Windows. Features: Dry~Wet dial. Volume dial. Special Motown EQ effect for vocals + boost. Global bypass. Stereo and mono versions. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “The famous Parallel Compression (NewYork) effect in one plugin” Terry West Related articles by Zemanta Effect: Jeroen Breebaart - Red Phatt Pro 1.0.1 ( Effect: vescoFx - FREE QUEUE EQ PLUGIN / Pc / Free ( …
Effect: AZ Audio – Stempel / Pc / Free
AZ Audio unveils Stempel, a free vocoder VST effect plugin for Windows. Features: A smooth sound and a high analysis definition Two states morph-able spectral equalizer A linear frequency shifter on each input channel A saturator effect A chorus effect Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “Stempel operates in the frequency domain to print the magnitude of an input into the other, giving the vocoder effect” AZ Audio Related articles by Zemanta Effect: Leslie Sanford - Sanford Super…
VST Host: Topten Software – Cantabile 2.0 / Pc / Free / Pro
Topten Software launches Catabile 2 and the new Cantabile Performer. A new version of the FREE Cantabile Lite has also been released. Looks cool. Cantabile Lite. Price: Free A free host designed for use as a quick VST scratch pad, or for users just getting started. Cantabile Solo. Price: $40 Intended for home hobbyists and casual users who need a more flexibility, including unlimited plugins and racks, preset morph and randomize tools, MIDI filters, MIDI controller assignments and session lists. Cantabile…
Instrument: DSK Music - DSK ChoirZ (beta) / Pc / Free
DSK Music unveils a beta version of DSK ChoirZ, a free Choirs and Pads sound module for Windows. Features: - 3 Layers with 32 Choir & Pad sounds - ADSR , Fine-tuning and Pan control - 3 Advanced Filters - 3 LFO routing to Cut, Pan, Level and Pitch - Chorus effect - Reverb Effect - Velocity response - Midi automation “DSK ChoirZ (beta) released” DSK Music Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: michael benjamin voigt - dmu sine 1.96 / Pc / Free ( Instrument: Knobster…
Effect: WOK – RackTube / Pc / Donationware / Free
WOK unveils RackTube, a simple free (donationware) a tube-emulator effect plugin for WIndows. The plugin gives some saturation or distortion to your audio. The free version has a nagscreen. Donate to get rid of it. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “Use it as an insert on single tracks or master.” WOK Related articles by Zemanta Effect: de la Mancha - Imperfection / Pc / Free ( Effect: D16 Group Audio Software - Redoptor ( Effect:…
Sampler: discoDSP - HighLife R3 / Pc / Linux / Free
discoDSP launches HighLife R3, a Free Open Source sampler for PC and Linux . Really great sampler. Changes: Zone parameters root key, low key, high key, low velocity, high velocitycan can now be modified from the zone editor panel. A couple of wave files that were refused by the previous version will now load fine. Loopinfo will not be used if loopstart > loopend When creating loop crossfades Highlife now implements a equal power crossfade instead of the previously used equal gain crossfade. Highlife…
Synthesizer: RBR VST PLUGINS - Trance Blizzard / Pc / Free
RBR VST PLUGINS unveils Trance Blizzard, a free audio triggered synth for the guitar. Features: 3 osc noise osc filter/ effects section arp gate 52 presets Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “Totally typical trance sounds” RBR VST PLUGINS Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: Retro Sampling - Oscillator Pak / Pc / Mac / Free ( Synthesizer: michael benjamin voigt - dmu sine 1.96 / Pc / Free ( Synthesizer: H.G. Fortune -…
Instrument: Knobster - PLASTIC PIANO / Pc / Free launches Plastic Piano, a free simple electric piano instrument for Windows. Some Features: 2x oscillators with three wavetypes; LP-filter for each oscillator ; Velocity sensitivity; ADSR -envelope; Magic button. Video: “It has the characteristic of a plastic sound. Especially good for the lo-fi and cheap-tone music.” Knobster Related articles by Zemanta Instrument: HV Synth Design - Total Brass ( Instrument: Spectrasonics - Trilian…
Instrument: GTG Synths - GTG EP 2008 / Pc / Free
GTG Synths unveils GTG EP 2008, a FREE electric piano instrument for Windows. Great looking GUI ! Features: Tonebars color, tone, decay and level. Tines level and click. Amp decay and level. Chorus tremolo and speed. “A simple E-piano with a bright sound” GTG Synths Related articles by Zemanta Instrument: Spectrasonics - Trilian ( Instrument: DSK Music - DSK mini DRUMZ 2 / Pc / Free ( Instrument: Mildon Studios - Cajon Fu / Pc / Free…
Novaflash launches Phaztronic, a FREE 16 stages stereo phase shifter (Phaser) for Windows. Features: 2 x LFO s : BPM : set the speed DEPTH : set the Hz amplitude modulation. PHASE SHIFTER : FRQ (frequency) : select the frequency WIDE : enlarge the stereo field STAGES : allow 4, 8, 12 or 16 cells SAND : add random frequency shifting FDBCK (feedback) : re-inject the processed signal TRACK : Allow to drive frequency by the audio input. LEVEL : amount FRQ : pre-filter Here are more Effects , Plugins and…
Synthesizer: michael benjamin voigt - dmu sine 1.96 / Pc / Free
Michael Benjamin Voigt launches dmu sine 1.96, a free (donationware) synth for Windows. Features: + high quality sinus oscillator with a pleasant sound covering all the human hearing range + simple virtual arithmetic model, no simulation of some existing instrument + custom 5 stage volume envelope + 2 dedicated lfo s for tremolo & vibrato + lowcut and midcut equalizer plus pan & key2pan for easy balancing/mixing/positioning and a natural piano-like stereo image + custom mono compatible light…
Synthesizer: JC Productionz – ProjectX1 / Pc / Free
JC Productionz unveils ProjectX1, a free hybrid bass synth for Windows. Features: 2 filters 2 adsr 's mod envelope generator 2 modulation matrix's with 24 possible destinations two effects types: amp head and a bit crusher A unison oscillator Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “It's essentially a monophonic synth but has a pseudo stereo mode” JC Productionz Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: Sonic at Work - ACCENTUS ( Synthesizer: Lithium…
Effect: Togu Audio Line - VST TAL-USEq / Pc / Mac / Free
Togu Audio Line launches TAL-USE 1.0.1, a free Equalizer plugin for both Windows and Mac. Features: 8 dB low / high shelf filter. 12 dB bass lift filter at 300 Hz. Variable center frequency (100 - 10'000Hz). Adjustable bandwidth (q: 0.1 to 2.0). Volume knob. On/Off switch. Very easy to use. Low CPU . Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “TAL-USE (Ultra Simple Eq) is especially designed after some tilt eq's from the 70's. This type of eq allows to adjust the audio material without…
Instrument: JOSEMARIACORTE-REAL - Joe’s Rhodes / Pc / Free
Joe Real unveils Joe’s Rhodes, a free , simple, warm electric piano for Windows sampled thru a tube amp. “This is the kind of instrument that everybody likes and useful in any kind of music.” JOSEMARIACORTE-REAL Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: Sonic at Work - ACCENTUS ( Synthesizer: Tekky Synths - PsYbAsSyX / Pc / Free ( Synthesizer: Sonic Assault - Kassiopeia! 1.0 / Free / Pc ( Synthesizer: Ametrine Audio -…
Effect: NOVAFLASH - METAVERB / Pc / Free
Novaflash unveils Metaverb, a free creative reverb VST effect for Pc. Features 3 modules: FILTER LP, HP, BP 24dB REVERBERATION TRACKING Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “METAVERB is a creative tool built arround two reverb tank (A & B) and based on three modules” NOVAFLASH Related articles by Zemanta Effect: Variety Of Sound - epicVerb / Pc / Free ( Effect: sknote - Attackease ( Effect: V-Plugs - Emphasizer (via Making Music)…
Effect: Togu Audio Line - VST TAL-TiltEq / Pc / Mac / Free
Togu Audio Line unveils TAL-TiltEQ, a free Equalizer Effect for both Pc and Mac. Features: 8 dB low / high shelf filter. 12 dB bass lift filter at 300 Hz. Variable center frequency (100 - 10'000Hz). Adjustable bandwidth (q: 0.1 to 2.0). Volume knob. On/Off switch. Very easy to use. Low CPU. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “TAL-TiltEq is especially designed after some tilt eq's from the 70's. This type of eq allows to adjust the audio material without changing the character…
Synthesizer: H.G. Fortune - AlioNoctis Pro / Pc / Free
H.G. Fortune launches AlioNoctis Pro, a VST i synth for Windows. There is also a FREE version available. Features (Pro): three digital PCM-wave oscillators powered by 128 selectable waveforms (as external sf2 file) 3rd oscillator with 8 slot wavemorphing selectable Oscillator Mix via X/Y Pad and various modulations two resonant filters (24db Lowpass and 12db Highpass) three ADSR -style envelope generators Inferno for adding generated upper harmonics Spook 1 & 2 effects with X/Y Pad and various…
Music Notation Editor: J. Oliver Linton – VBRhapsody / Pc / Free / Donation
J. Oliver Linton presents VBRhapsody, a FREE (donationware) full-featured classical notation editor with MIDI input and output for Windows. The unregistered version of the program is restricted to printing the first two pages of a score only. Registration: £15.00 “Using VBR you can enter, edit and print musical scores usung standard musical notation. You can also play your scores on a MIDI instrument and additionally, you can use a MIDI instrument to help enter musical data.” J. Oliver Linton From…
Synthesizer: Retro Sampling - Oscillator Pak / Pc / Mac / Free
Retro Sampling unveils Oscillator Pak – Sampler Synth Elements, a collection of free waveforms that uses a sampler for playback instead of oscillators in a synth . Formats: WAVE / HALION / KONTAKT / NN19 / NNXT / REFILL / GIGA / MAIZE + STANDALONE + VST i FORMAT / DS404 / CMPLAY / SOUNDFONT / EXS24 / DIRECTWAVE / HALION HSB & KONTAKT MONOLITH Size: 580MB Content - 175 MB Download File “This is a collection of free waveforms for the experimental synth/patch programmer” VST Instruments Related…
Synthesizer: Alterex – ViCON / Pc / Free
Alterex releases ViCON, a free VSTi synth for Windows. Some features: 1 VCO Sub oscillator with a 12/24db VCF Created using Synthedit Link: Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: Lithium Sound - Silver Bass / Pc / Free (via Making Music) ( Synthesizer: Ruin - Drummm / Pc / Free (via Making Music) ( Synthesizer: EZ-SOUND - Faz-2000 VSTi (via Making Music) ( …
Instrument: Iliadis - VH-1 / Pc / Free
Iliadis unveils VH-1 , a free Virtual Drawbar Organ for Windows. Looks great! Features: 64 Notes Polyphony - 9 "standard" Drawbars with a clean Sine Sound (no Samples). Adjustable Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release and Tone. - 2 Percussion Oscillators . Both have a Selector for choosing one of the "standard" 9 Harmonics. Adjustable Level and Decay. A Touch Button (F/X) let's you add Vibrato and the Overdrive Effect . A Touch Button switches On/Off - A warm Chorus Vibrato. Adjustable…
Sequencer: Upland - UplandToys BallSequencer 1.5 / Pc / Free / Donation
Upland releases UplandToys BallSequencer 1.5, a free (donationware) Midi Sequencer VST i for Windows. Changes in this version: - New CC mode: Balls can now send CC messages based on their position in the rectangle. Each ball can transmit two CC messages, one for each axis. In addition, max and min values to be transmitted for each CC can be set up in the CC setup section. - Extended support for remote control via MIDI CC messages: Root notes and roomsize can now be assigned CCs. - More flexible CC…
Synth: sineqube – kapling / Mac / Free
Sineqube unveils Kapling, a FREE standalone physical modeling synthesizer application for Mac OS X, made with Max/MSP 5. Features: • 8 independent synth voices • 32- step sequencer • realtime timbral controls • randomized initial impulse to provide natural variation over time • tempo-synced stereo delay • store presets for pitch , sequences, and timbre , and export them to disk • record output directly to disk as an aiff file • cpu monitor helps keep track of the tax on your system • each…
Effect: Auraplug – Whamdrive / Pc / Free
AuraPlug launches Whamdrive, a FREE Pitch shifter / Distortion Effect for Windows. Looks great! Features: * Stompbox design * Real-time, low latency processing for live performances * 14 different pitch modes * Distortion with cabinet simulation * Easy to use * All parameters are MIDI controllable Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “Whamdrive is a VST plug-in to shift the pitch of an incoming audio signal. It allows you to pitch an incoming audio stream in realtime with an external MIDI…
Synthesizer: Lithium Sound – Silver Bass / Pc / Free
Lithium Sound launches the FREE Silver Bass, an analog styled VST synth for Windows. Features: 2 oscillators (sine, saw, square, tri, noise) ADSR Amp envelope ADSR Filter envelope LFO Fliter control 8 presets Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “for making Drum&Bass, Hardcore, and Dub basslines but is also useful for making classic rave stabs.” Lithium Sound Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: Tekky Synths - PsYbAsSyX / Pc / Free ( Synthesizer:…
Synthesizer: Ruin – Drummm / Pc / Free
Ruin launches Drummm, a FREE frequency modulation drum synth for Windows. Features 2 oscillators , one acting as the carrier and the other as the modulator. The Carrier has an attack/release envelope which is routed to the frequency of the oscillator. The Modulator has an attack/release envelope routed to the amount of frequency modulation being applied. Both of these are mixed into the output vca/env which is another attack/release envelope. Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “wicked…
Modular Software: Sensomusic - Usine 4.11 / Pc / Pro / Free
Sensomusic launches Usine 4.11. It is a patch oriented sound software for Windows, where you can add modules or VST plugins and connect them without restriction. Latest changes: improvements - auto Scroll option in the sequencer - rename markers (right click) - various GUI improvements in the sequencer fixed bugs - various bugs fixed Price: 70 euro. There is also a FREE version available that is fully functional but you can't edit sub-patches and scripts or modify layouts. Read more about Usine here…
Effect: vescoFx - FREE QUEUE EQ PLUGIN / Pc / Free
vescoFx unveils Free Queue EQ Plugin for Windows. Looks nice! Features: 64-bit internal processing resolution. Lots of built in presets to get your mix jumpstarted. Full automation support of all controls for VST compliant hosts (additional extensions for REAPER ). Sample accurate, zero-latency algorithm. Non-clipping EQ filter. You can make the most radical boosts of any frequency and the equalizer will never clip. This free VST plugin will output accurate signals even above 0dB (if supported by your…
Effect: vescoFx - FREE OUTSIDER PHASE PLUGIN / Pc / Free
vescoFx launches Free Outsider Phase Plugin for Windows. Features: 64-bit internal processing resolution. Built in presets to get your mix jumpstarted. Full automation support of all controls for VST compliant hosts (additional extensions for REAPER ). Sample accurate, zero-latency algorithm. Reverses phase on one side of the stereo spectrum. Pan between the normal and reverse phase channels. Creates an unusual hyper-stereo effect . Handles mono-to-mono and stereo-to-stereo I/O from your DAW . Here are more…
Effect: vescoFx - FREE HAAS DELAY PLUGIN / Pc / Free
vescoFx releases Free Haas Delay plugin for Windows. Features: 64-bit internal processing resolution. Lots of built in presets to get your mix jumpstarted. Full automation support of all controls for VST compliant hosts (additional extensions for REAPER ). Sample accurate, zero-latency algorithm. Creates a more natural pan effect . Creates space in the center of your mix. Turns mono tracks into stereo. Mono and stereo input versions. Works with Windows VST hosts. Eliminates complex routing to set up a…
Effect: Christian Budde - Fast Multiband Compressor / Pc / Free
Christian Budde launches the FREE multiband compressor plugin “Fast Multiband Compressor” for Windows. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “based on the Fast Soft Knee Compressor and a set of linkwitz-riley filters..” Christian Budde Related articles by Zemanta Effect: Christian Budde - Fast Soft Knee Compressor / Pc / Free (via Making Music) ( Effect: Softube - FET Compressor ( Effect: de la Mancha - Imperfection / Pc / Free…
Sequencer: Quotle - experimental MIDI step sequencer / Pc / Free
Quotile is a cool free experimental MIDI step sequencer for Pc. Features: 6 playback sequencers which can be sent to any midi device on your system lots of fun commands, like "stretch", "echo", "copyquarter", etc. command line interface with type-ahead and history create your own commands using "beanshell" supports scripting “Quotile is a strange little PC step sequencer where patterns can be mutated, stretched, or otherwise modified using an old-school command…
Effect: Terry West Plugins - Gold Pro 1.4 / Pc / Free
Terry West Plugins updates the FREE parametric equalizer Gold Pro to version 1.4. Changes: New EQ -engine. Several bugs fixed. More cpu friendly. Read more here . Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . "Gold Pro Parametric Equalizer" Terry West Related articles by Zemanta Effect: SoniqWare Products - PE-1 ( Weekly Software Wrapup 11/23 - 11/30 (13) ( Effect: SKnote - Specter VST ( Effect: D16 Group…
Synthesizer: H.G. Fortune – Atonoise / Pc / Pro / Free
H.G. Fortune unveils Atonoise, an atonal noise VST i synthesizer for spooky, SciFi sounds . Some Features: Two oscillators each with a level adjust and both followed by one amp ADSR EG. Four modifiers: Inferno and Spook 1 to Spook 3. Atonoise Pro is available for only 9 Euro There is also a free version without the Effect ( synth only). “This is a VSTi synthesizer and in Pro version VST effect for fairly spooky, SciFi and others alike sounds. It's got no filter by design and you won't hardly…
Synthesizer: Tekky Synths - PsYbAsSyX / Pc / Free
Tekky Synths has released PsYbAsSyX, a new free bass synth for Windows. Features: - 1x multi OSC (Sine,Saw, Triangle,Square,Noise) - 1x Draw Manual Mode step sequencer - 1x ADSR - 1x filter section - 1x LFO mod - 1x Random sequence button Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “Draw live sequences or let the synth do the job ..” Tekky Synths Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: Spectrasonics - Omnisphere (via Blog) ( Synthesizer: Psychic…
Instrument: DSK Music – DSK mini DRUMZ 2 / Pc / Free
DSK Music launches DSK mini DrumZ 2, a free Vintage drum machines rompler for Windows. Looks cool. Please give the guy a donation for making all this free music making software! Features: - All sounds fixed and levels corrected - All sounds mapped in GM Midi standard - New extra layer to load external kits (sf2) - Midi channel selector for each layer - Add amp. envelope and limiter - Filters improved - Midi automation fixed - 20 classic drum machines kits “mini DRUMZ 2 released” DSK Music Related…
Audio Editor: Audacity version 1.3.7 / Pc / Mac / Universal / Linux / Free
The awesome free audio editor / recorder Audacity has been updated to version 1.3.7 for Windows, Mac and Linux . This is primarily a bug-fix release, but with some new features too, like DirectSound device support for Windows. Cross-Platform Bug Fixes: Muting/soloing caused incorrect channel results in exported stereo files Nyquist effects: pasted unmodified audio into the result, no progress bar, truncation of processed audio on cancel Noise Removal: pasted unmodified audio into the result, unwanted…
Effect: Christian Budde - Fast Soft Knee Compressor / Pc / Free
Christian Budde unveils Fast Soft Knee Compressor, a free compressor plugin for Windows. Some features: soft knee optimized for low CPU usage simple limit circuit to avoid clipping Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “While it is not that difficult to build a hard knee compressor with a low CPU usage, it is quite difficult to do so for a soft knee” Christian Budde Related articles by Zemanta Effect: Softube - FET Compressor From Making Music . Try Readle Gadgets , Clipotech or follow me on…
Synthesizer: GTG Synths - GTG ST 2008 / Pc / Free
GTG Synths launches GTG ST 2008, a free Pads and FX synth for Windows. Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “Based on the MX 2008, a synth for fast and easy creation of moving textures, lush pads, chords and electronic effect sounds.” Link Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: Homegrown Sounds - Astralis Baby Bion / Pc / Free Synthesizer: EZ-SOUND - Faz-2000 VSTi (via Making Music) Synthesizer: DSK Music - DSK BlueZ / Pc / Free Synthesizer: Psychic Modulation - Meteorite / Pc / Free…
Synthesizer: Krakli Software – Strata / Pc / Free
Krakli Software unveils Strata, a free synth for Windows. Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “STRATA is an attempt to return to the ‘weirdness of Krakli! A marriage of additive and FM with the ability to create controlled or totally off-the-wall sounds.” Krakli Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: EZ-SOUND - Faz-2000 VSTi (via Making Music) Synthesizer: DSK Music - DSK BlueZ / Pc / Free Synthesizer: Psychic Modulation - Meteorite / Pc / Free Synthesizer: Homegrown Sounds -…
Instrument: DSK Music - DSK Ethereal padZ 2 / Pc / Free
DSK Music launches Ethereal PadZ 2, a free Pads sound module for Windows. Features: - 3 Layers with 111 Pads sounds - ADSR , Finetuning and Pan control - 3 Advanced Filters - 3 LFO routing to Cut, Pan, Level and Pitch - Chorus effect - Reverb Effect - Velocity response - Midi automation “DSK Ethereal padZ 2 released” DSK Music Related articles by Zemanta Instrument: Homegrown Sounds - Homegrown Piano Synthesizer: Spectrasonics - Omnisphere (via Blog) Synthesizer: DSK Music - DSK BlueZ / Pc / Free…
Effect: evil alliance – combover / Pc / Free
evil alliance unveils combover, a FREE comb delay effect for Windows. Features: comb delays step sequencer pitch detection xy pad wet / dry controls Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “It does crazy shit, you should stop reading these words and find out for yourself” e v i l a l l i a n c e From Making Music . Try Readle Gadgets , Clipotech or follow me on Svartling Network , Friendfeed , Twitter .
Synthesizer: DSK Music - DSK Synthopia / Pc / Free
DSK Music releases DSK Synthopia, a new free synth for Windows. Looks good! Features: - 3 layers with 128 sounds featuring bass, synths, keys, pads - Midi channel selector for each layer - Amp. envelope, detune and panorama control - 3 advanced filter with ADSR control - 3 advanced LFO , with route option - 2 send Fx (Chorus & Delay ) - 1 Master Fx ( Reverb ) - Midi automation - Velocity response Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “DSK Synthopia released” DSK Music Related…
Synthesizer: Moppel – Sonitarium 1.2 / Pc / Free
Moppel updates the FREE Windows synth Sonitarium to version 1.2. Changes: About 40% less CPU drain (only on systems supporting SSE2 instructions, eg. Pentium4, Athlon64 or later). Fixed crackling noise when running multiple synth instances on multi-core systems. 22 new presets by runagate. Fixed potential pops and sticking notes. Limited the maximum generated frequency to 21kHz even at sample rates greater than 44.1kHz to avoid volume change at different sample rates. Downward compatible to v1.0/v1.0a. Read…
Effect: AZ AUDIO – ADopplerEn2 / Pc / Free
AZ Audio unveils ADopplerEn2, an free (donationware) effect plugin for Windows. The effect consists of eight parallel similar audio processing chain featuring a delay tape reader, a stereo panner, a multi mode filter and an amplitude modulator. Each sub block of the processing chain can be modulated by one of the eight low frequency oscillators . All lfo s can produce various standard shapes and can be synced between themselves. It can produce a wide variety of effects : doppler, autopanner, rich chorus…
Effect: Mildon Studios – EQONE 2.0 / Pc / Free
Mildon Studios launches version 2.0 of EQONE, a free EQ plugin for Windows. Features eight controls for adjusting certain characteristics of the sound: depth, warmth, body, clarity, presence, brightness, punch, and space. Gentle compression is applied to certain frequencies. Punch and space are non-EQ controls. The 4-band stereo effect switches allow you to select which part of the sound to widen. A send level control. Read about previous version here . Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters .…
Synthesizer: Insert Piz Here - Mr. Alias 2 / Pc / Mac / Linux / Free
Insert Piz Here has released the free open source synth ? VST plugin Mr. Alias 2 for both Pc, Mac and Linux . Some Features: 6 filter types 2 oscillators Filter envelope & much more! “Mr. Alias 2 uses non-bandlimited oscillators which can be transposed near to and beyond the Nyquist frequency, causing most of their spectra to be aliased back into audible non-harmonic frequencies. The sound can then be further processed by a number of crude "effects.” Insert Piz Here Related articles by Zemanta…
Synthesizer: xoxos – Syng2 / Pc / Free
Syng2 from xoxos is a free voice synthesizer for Windows. It uses four bandpass filters to produce formants in any signal, or using an internal oscillator . The phoneme can be selected on a second MIDI channel, or preset words can be triggered. Looks cool. Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “Syng2 was designed as an intelligible, low-cpu voice engine for Breathcube 2. The articulation is intended to be more natural than other 'robot voices' using this method, with plosives…
Drums: pethu Music - Hahaha DS-01 Drum Synthesizer / Pc / Free
pethu music unveils the free Hahaha DS-01 Drum Synth for Windows. “This is a very "retro" drum synthesizer with lots of character and opportunities for tweaking.” pethu Music Related articles by Zemanta Synthesizer: H.G. Fortune - The Dreammachine Effect: Jeroen Breebaart - FSynth Pro VST Synthesizer: NOVAkILL - RIPSNORTER / Pc / Free From Making Music . Try Readle Gadgets , Clipotech or follow me on Svartling Network , Friendfeed , Twitter .
Effect: Variety Of Sound – epicVerb / Pc / Free
Variety Of Sound unveils epicVerb, a free digital reverb effect simulation for Windows. It features two different reverberation modes and 6 different stereo early reflection models. Some specifications: PC / VST compatible SSE and Assembler optimized sound engine State-of-the-art digital signal processing Smooth reverb tail processing without any ringing or metallic sounding artifacts Different reverb and early reflection modes for maximum flexibility Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “The…
Effect: KResearch - KR-Delay FS R1.1.0 / Pc / Mac / Universal / Free
KResearch has released another great FREE plugin for both Windows and Mac. KR-Delay FS R1.1.0 is a free delay effect . Features: Input selector - Left, Right and Stereo Stereo, Link and Ping-Pong modes Host Sync mode from 1/64 - 1/1 plus T and D modes. Independent Panning controls Low Pass/ High Pass Filters with Resonant control Filters On-Off switch Graphical representation of all effect parameters Independent feedback controls Independent Dry/Wet controls Independent Output Level controls from -12db…
Effect: Atom Splitter Audio – Distroyr 2.00 / Pc / Free
Atom Splitter Audio updates the great free stereo distortion VST plugin Distroyr to version 2.00. Changes in this version: Feedback denormals fix Lots of parts converted to code Modified Bit crush for more variation Major optimizations on CPU 10 Default presets Read more about Distroyr here . Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “features a range of different algorithms that effect and generally distort the incoming audio. Depending on the settings you can have analog sounding warmth to your…
Instrument: Mildon Studios – Cajon Fu / Pc / Free
Mildon Studios launches Cajon Fu, a free percussion box instrument for Windows. Each track has its own volume slider and mute buttons. A special 'ghost' key allows you to play alight triple tap. “Unleash the Tap Master in you! It is a free VST percussion box instrument that really packs a punch. You can play it like a real percussion box in normal mode, or you can turn up the action and play sound effects.” mildonstudios Related articles by Zemanta Effect: - Back Stage Vocals…
Effect: miniSoftMusic – UniRoomLE / Pc / Free
miniSoftMusik unveils UniRoomLE, a free reverb effect for Windows. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “UniRoomLE.It is a reverb effect with a complete new inner build-up. In times of convolution-reverb you maybe ask yourself if it makes sense to develop something like this, but we think so” miniSoftMusic Related articles by Zemanta Effect: HG Sounds - Soundscaper / Pc / Free From Making Music . Try Readle Gadgets , Clipotech or follow me on Svartling Network , Friendfeed , Twitter .…
Effect: - Back Stage EQ ONE / Pc / Free
Mildon Studios presents Back Stage EQ ONE, a free equalizer plugin for Windows. Features: - 8 controls for adjusting characteristics of the sound: depth, warmth, body, clarity, presence, brightness, punch, and space. - Gentle compression . - Punch increases the attack of the sound. - Space applies early reflections to reduce the proximity effect . - 4-band stereo effect switches. - Send level control. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “Intended for those who need to get their mix done fast…
Effect: - Back Stage Vocals / Pc / Free
Mildon studios releases Back Stage Vocals, a free vocal mixing VST plugin for Windows. It gives you two controls for adjusting the vocal effect and air. Main vocals should ideally be more "upfront" and have more air. For backing vocals dial down these controls to push them further back in the mix. There are additional side-switches that allow you to add stereo-width and gain. Main vocals are best left in the center, but you can try applying stereo-width for added effect. Backing vocals…
Effect: de la Mancha – Imperfection / Pc / Free
de la Mancha unveils the free effect plugin “Imperfection” for Windows. Features: · 4 simple controls to take any lingering perfection away · Reduce audio quality to add some gritty texture · Filter out the low frequencies for some tinny speaker action · Pile on the dirt to give some lovely imperfect distortion · Raise your noise floor for some hum and fizz Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “Who wants hi fidelity reproduction when you can reduce the quality, take out some of that…
Audio Recorder: Sonic Assault - Capture! 1.0 / Pc / Free
Sonic Assault has also released Capture!, a free Audio Recorder plugin for Windows. Could be useful. Features: 16 / 24 / 32 / 32-bit Float Recording and Playback Stereo / Mono L / Mono R / Mono L+R Recording 0.001 sec - 10 Minute Recording Time Selectable Notation Values / Seconds Time Settings Host / Manual Tempo Settings Audio Input Triggered / Host Triggered / Manual Record Start Normalised Audio Output Option Looped Playback User Adjustable Wave Display Audio Input Level Clipper 8 Sample Slots External…
Synthesizer: Sonic Assault - Kassiopeia! 1.0 / Free / Pc
Sonic Assault have released Kassiopeia!, a free Synth for Windows (XP, not Vista). Features: Casio CZ Inspired Dual Line Phase Distortion Synthesizer 6 Graphic 16-step Envelope Generators with Key Follow and Independent Step Contouring 2 Pitch LFO s with Delay and Contoured Fade-In Multi-timbre and Routing Ring Modulator Variable Noise Generator User Adjustable Key Scaling Stereo Reverb Mono Delay Here are more Synths , VSTi's and Instruments . “Dual Line Phase Distortion Synth” Link Related…
Audio Editor: Wavosaur / Pc / Free
The great free audio editor for Windows, Wavosaur has been updated to Version Changes: - Shift + click behavior added - Playbar bug fixed - MP3 bug fixed (truncated files) - Check box on Time bar added - Middle button bug fixed (scroll bar and time bar) - Unselect shortcut added : Ctrl+Shift+A - Output volume dialog box added to control general output volume ('View' menu), saved in cfg file - Reset button added in audio out routing dialog box - Multiple document could be now opened in…
Synthesizer: de la Mancha – plastique / Pc / Free
de la Mancha unveils plastique, a free subtractive synth for Windows. Looks really nice! Features: · 31 Waveforms from the Casio HT-700 · 2 Oscs with sync and octave / semitone detune · Configurable Resonant Low Pass filter · Volume and Pitch envelopes · Tempo sync LFO with 10 waveforms and note-on sync to modulate filter and pitch · Tempo sync Arp with 6 modes and adjustable octave range, note length · Tempo sync Delay · Adjustable Chorus · Lofi options include reduction in quality, distortion and…
Effect: AuraPlug – Fuzz-Stone Distortion / Pc / Free
AuraPlug releases Fuzz-Stone Distortion , another free distortion plugin for Windows. Features: * Stompbox design * Level control * Distortion control * Cabinet simulation * Easy to use * Low CPU usage * Volume - Set the overall volume of the unit * Attack - Set the amount of distortion. * Cabinet - Cabinet simulation Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “The Fuzz-Stone is a '60's styled guitar fuzz tone pedal which simulates the Legendary Stones' Satisfaction guitar tone.” Link …
Effect: de la Mancha – therapy / Pc / Free
de la Mancha launches therapy, a free effect plugin for Windows. Features: · 3 band granulizer effect · Word driven controls Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “therapy is an effect plugin that allows you to express your innermost feelings, neurotic ramblings or burning, muderous rage, and have the results presented in full stereo audio psychosis.” de la Mancha Related articles by Zemanta Effect: de la Mancha - faderratic / Pc / Free Instrument: de la Mancha - psymon / Pc / Free…
Effect: Togu Audio Line - VST TAL-Bitcrusher / Pc / Mac / Free
Togu Audio Line unveils TAL-Bitcrusher, a free bitcrusher effect . Features: Adjustable bitdepth (0..32 bit). Adjustable sample rate divisor (up to / 512). Noise cross modulator. 24 dB low- and high shelf filter. 10 presets for bass, leads and drums. Low CPU. Available in VST 's and AU versions. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “There is a low- and highshelf EQ and a noise cross modulator included. Its maybe useful on drums, especially hats and for distorted leads.” Link Related…
Instrument: DSK Music - DSK World StringZ / Pc / Free
DSK Music has released DSK World StringZ, a free string instrument for Windows. Features: - 8 world string instruments: Celtic harp, Cumbus, Dobro, Kanun, Koto, Dulcimer, Tar, Turkish oud - Velocity response - Amp. envelope and micro-detuner - HP/LP Filter - Midi automation “DSK World StringZ released” Link Related articles by Zemanta Instrument: Myst Sonic - Chinese Zither-GuZheng (via Blog) Instrument: Audio Impressions DVZ Strings 2.0 (via Blog) From Making Music . Try Readle Gadgets , Clipotech…
Effect: AuraPlug - Red Skull Distortion / Pc / Free
AuraPlug launches the FREE Red Skull Distortion, an aggressive high-gain distortion pedal simulator for Windows. The tone section gives you complete control over Bass, Midrange, and Treble. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . “unbelievably chunky metal tones for playing Nu Metal, Grind Core, Hard Core, Trash Metal or any genre that requires crushing sound.” Link Related articles by Zemanta Effect: Studio Devil Products - Virtual Bass Amp Guitar Effect: Mellowmuse Software - Mellowhead (via…
DAW: ardour 2.7.1 / Mac / Universal / Linux / Free
The free and superb Mac/ Linux Sequencer / DAW Ardour has been updated to version 2.7.1. Changes in this version: option to preserve formants when stretching/shifting new option to control whether newly added plugins are active or not, enabled by default copy sends as well as plugins when doing copy/paste operations in the mixer strip copy send I/O configurations when copying sends remove height buttons from automation tracks new option to do cubase-style solo-overrides mute (off by default)…
Instrument: herve noury – Monophone / Pc / Free launches Monophone, a free experimental music instrument for Windows. Several wave players modulates each other via envelope followers, pitch detectors and a vocoder . “The Monophone is not a synthesizer : it is a "Pierre Henry like" experimental music studio presented as a VST instrument.” Link Related articles by Zemanta Instrument: SMPlugins - Open Guitar Audio Recorder: Homegrown Sounds - HGS WAV Recorder X Synthesizer: EZ-Sound - Arp-Edge (via Blog) Synthesizer:…
Synthesizer: KX77FREE - KX-Synth-X16 / Pc / Free
KX77FREE launches KX-Synth-X16, a free vintage modular monophonic synth for Windows based on the VCS3 structure . Features: Three variable shape oscillators . Noise generator. Ring modulation. Two external inputs. LP filter, 18 db per octave with self oscillating Same structure of the matrix (16*16) XY joystick Modern skin with notepad and variable color background. Keyboard controls to the oscillators and filter, -10 volts to 10 volts, useful for keyboard scaling. You can adjust the response curve of…
Effect: AriesCode – AriesVerb 0.4a / Pc / Free
AriesCode launches the free Effect -Reverb plugin AriesVerb 0.4a. Looks useful. Changes: Fixed: Random crash when an instance of AriesVerb is deleted. Fixed: Random cease of operation, while displaying an empty or corrupted program name. Features: Fractional delay effect- reverb plugin. 17 geometry configurations. 6 feedback matrix configurations. Delay time (room size): 1 µs (0.3 mm) to 1 s (330 m). Independent control of low and high-frequency decay. Stereo rotation. Delay length modulation.…
Plugin: Shuriken - Eckel / Pc / Free
Swedish Shuriken launches Eckel (Swedish for "disgust"), a FREE midi generating VST plugin for Windows. "Eckel is a midi generating VST based on the eucledian algorithm." Link From Making Music . Try Readle Gadgets , Clipotech or follow me on Svartling Network , Friendfeed , Twitter .
Effect: Terry West Plugins - Gold Pro 1.3 / Pc / Free
Terry West Plugins unveils Gold Pro 1.3, a FREE parametric equalizer for Windows. Features: # Five flexible paremetric bands (Low, Lowmid, Mid, Highmid, High). # All bands has selectable frequencies, total range from 20 kHz ~ 20 K. # Three Q-points per band. # Solo and Boost per band. # Bypass per band and global bypass. # Main volume/pan out. # AutoBandOff feature. Here are more Effects , Plugins and Filters . "Gold Pro Parametric Equalizer" Link Related articles by Zemanta Effect: SoniqWare…
Effect: MeldaProduction - MVibrato / Pc / Free
MeldaProduction releases the free vibrato Pc plugin MVibrato. Changes: * Continously adjustable panning shape. * Fully automatable. * Global preset management - using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs. See other effects here . "MVibrato is a traditional vibrato with adjustable shape." Link Related articles by Zemanta Effect: Studio Devil Products - Virtual Bass Amp From Making Music . Try Readle…
Effect: MeldaProduction - MTremolo / Pc / Free
MeldaProduction releases the free tremolo Pc plugin MTremolo. Features: * Continously adjustable automatic volume shape. * Fully automatable. * Global preset management - using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs. See other effects here . "MTremolo is a traditional tremolo with adjustable shape." Link From Making Music . Try Readle Gadgets , Clipotech or follow me on Svartling Network , Friendfeed , Twitter…
Effect: MeldaProduction - MAutopan / Pc / Free
MeldaProduction releases the free auto panner effect plugin MAutopan. Features: * Continously adjustable waveform shape. * Fully automatable. * Global preset management - using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs. See other effects here . "MAutopan is a traditional automatical panner with adjustable shape." Link Related articles by Zemanta Effect: g200kg - Vocovee / Pc / Free Effect: de la Mancha -…
Sequencer: MUTOOLS – MU.LAB 2.0.4 / Pc / Mac / Universal / Pro / Free
MUTOOLS releases version 2.0.4 of the sequencer MU.LAB. Changes: * Tuned: When using a Track Target, the "Choose MIDI Channel" in the sequence part context menu is disabled * Tuned: Meta Parameter Map Editor: Right-click in background shows "Add New Mapping" option * Tuned: Meta Parameter Map Editor: Options menu now also includes "Add New Mapping" * Tuned: Single click on multiple selected parts/notes selects that single part/note * Fixed: Dragging stuff from inside MU.LAB to…