ConcreteFX presents Kubik 2.5, a powerful wavetable sequencer synth for both Pc and Mac.
Some Features:
64 Wave Wavetable
Two Wavetable Oscillators with secondary unison oscillators
Two Filters
Pre-filter distortion on 12db and 24db filters
Eight 32 Step Envelopes with variable slope and looping and release sections
Eight Multi-wave LFO
XY Panel
Complete modulation matrix
Waveform editor
64 Partial Additive Waveform editor
over 100 Wavetable Presets
Hundreds of Wave Presets
Two 64 Step Sequencer
Full midi control of all the Kubik's parameters
Two multi-effects
2 band eq , compressor stereo widener effects
Over 500 presets
Price: $75/55 Euro / £45
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"It can create a vast array of sophisticated moving sounds by changing the waveforms played by the synthesizer over time" ConcreteFX