Novaflash launches Geektronic, a free stereo bit-crusher/decimator effect for Windows.
PRST : Sample Rate standard presets. When set to FREE use the SR knob.
SR : Allow any frequencies between 500 Hz to 20Khz.
BITS : Reshape the audio stream ( 2 to 24 BITS)
BEND : Smooth an re-shape the front side.
BENDSHP : Three mode post shaping. Smooth UP and DOWN front side, only UP, only DOWN.
EQ : Post EQ. Positive value boost the selected frequency. Negative value attenuate it.
MIX : 100% full effect. 0% by-pass the effect.
GAIN : -6dB to +12dB
How To Install It ?
Drop the DLL into the VST folder. Call it from your VST host.
"Simple, efficient" Novaflash