Ametrine Audio launches Fire and Ice, a new synth for Windows.
Powered by the Wusik-Engine ( Version 5.8.4 )
160 main presets with 250 variations
Custom made Synth, Bass, Stabs, BellTones, Pads, Arps, Keys and Organs
Bass and Stabs 44
Synth and Leads 23
Arps and Wave-Sequences 20
Pads and Strings 30
BellTones 21
Keys and Organs 22
Price: £14.95
Find more synths here!
"The Main Idea behind Fire and Ice was to create a synth with 2 different personalities. The Fire section covers the Bass, Stab and Synth side of things, while the Ice Section brings you Pads, Wave sequences, Keys, Organs and BellTones" Ametrine Audio