Voxengo updates
Polysquasher, a compressor
effect for both Windows and
Mac OS X.
"Density mode" implemented in the output level meter.
Preset "update" function implemented in the preset manager.
The "No Multi-Channel Operation" global switch was added that fixes incompatibility with some non-VST2.3 compliant VST hosts.
The "VST Function Sync" global switch was added that fixes crashes in some hosts (i.e. Tracktion).
Parameter automation on AU Mac OS X now shows real parameter values.
Side-chain routing presets now appear dimmed to reduce confusion.
Waveform view random glitches issue fixed.
Preset load inconsistency problem fixed.
Gain reduction graph's precision was improved.
22-millisecond processing latency
Contextual hint messages
A/B comparisons
Undo/redo history
Preset manager
64-bit floating point processing
Up to 8x linear-phase oversampling
Mid/side processing
Channel grouping
Internal channel routing
Multi-channel processing
Compressor mode editor
8 built-in compressor modes
Real-time gain reduction graph
Transparent compression sound
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Price: 69.95 USD
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"Voxengo Polysquasher is a mastering compressor AU and VST plugin for professional audio and sound production applications. Polysquasher was designed with a main goal: to be transparent. Transparent compression action is a cornerstone for any mastering compressor" Voxengo